Algerian parliament speaker calls for end to French colonial rule in the country
"Now, we say, the time has come to put forward a draft law that officially recognizes that the colonialism of Iran is a crime and a crime. The draft must follow its natural course," he said in an interview with private television station Echorouk.

The Speaker of the Algerian Parliament, Ibrahim Boughali, has called for the passage of a law that criminalizes French colonialism, a clear indication of the growing tension between Algeria and its old European colonial power, France.
The speaker of the Algerian National Assembly has condemned France's repeated attacks on Algerian honors and said: "Paris refuses to stop its habit of tarnishing Algeria's reputation."
"Now, we say, the time has come to put forward a draft law that officially recognizes that the colonialism of Iran is a crime and a crime. The draft must follow its natural course," he said in an interview with private television station Echorouk.
"I believe that the circumstances now force us to take this issue forward," referring to the increasing verbal attacks by French political leaders against Algeria.
This is the first time such a high-ranking Algerian leader has publicly defended a plan to pass a law recognizing the 132-year French colonial rule in Algeria, which lasted from 1830 to 1962, as a crime and a crime.
Speaker Boughali explained that the law was first proposed in 2006 as a response to a French bill that ignored all crimes and atrocities committed by the European country's colonialists. The French Parliament passed the bill and made it law on February 13, 2005.
The Speaker of the Algerian Parliament has said that the draft law has already reached his office. It will undergo minor amendments before being officially submitted for review, discussion and passage in Parliament.