American and British naval traffic in the occupied territories of Palestine has significantly decreased

The Zionist regime's war against Gaza has had important consequences in various dimensions. Revealing the criminal face of the Zionist regime, which does not even spare children, women, medical centers and refugees, and is indifferent to international law, is one of these consequences.

Aug 26, 2024 - 04:34
American and British naval traffic in the occupied territories of Palestine has significantly decreased

The Zionist regime's war against Gaza has had important consequences in various dimensions. Revealing the criminal face of the Zionist regime, which does not even spare children, women, medical centers and refugees, and is indifferent to international law, is one of these consequences.

The false human rights claims of the United States of America and European countries and their support for the genocide carried out by the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip and their complicity in this crime are among the consequences of the 11-month war against Gaza.

Another consequence of the Zionist regime's 11-month war against the people of Gaza was the strengthening of cohesion and solidarity among the actors of the Axis of Resistance. Yemen, as one of the new actors of the axis of resistance, showed its effectiveness in this axis and openly moved on the path of direct action against the Zionist regime. Yemen entered the war against the Zionist regime in a different way than others. The Yemenis tried to participate in this war with an operational and specific purpose. One of the actions that the Yemenis have taken is that they target the ships that are moving towards the occupied territories. This action caused great damage to the Zionist regime in the economic sphere.

The Yemenis announced that until the genocidal Zionist regime does not stop its attacks on the Gaza Strip, they will target the ships of this occupation regime or ships traveling to the occupied territories in the Red Sea. The United States and Britain formed a so-called international coalition to counter Yemen's actions and repeatedly launched attacks against the Yemenis, especially in the economic field, and tried with these attacks to disrupt the Yemeni economy and pressure the Yemenis to stop the war against the Zionist regime.

Seyyed Abdul Malek al-Houthi, the leader of Ansarullah in Yemen, says that the number of ships targeted by the Yemeni army has reached 177 since the start of the operation to support the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip. By reducing the traffic of ships connected to America or England or carrying goods for the Zionist enemy, the operations at sea are reduced and the Zionist enemy does not benefit from the seafaring, which is a great victory for the Yemeni armed forces and the Yemeni Front supporting the Palestinian Resistance.