Amnesty International: 3 out of 5 human rights activists face harassment
The human rights organization Amnesty International has said that 3 out of 5 young activists face online harassment worldwide for publishing content related to human rights.

The human rights organization Amnesty International has said that 3 out of 5 young activists face online harassment worldwide for publishing content related to human rights.
The report comes as part of the conclusion of a new analysis conducted by Amnesty International on youth activists in 59 countries.
More than 1,400 young activists have participated in the survey, which was carried out as part of Amnesty International's "Protect the Protest" global campaign.
The activists have complained of the harassment they face in the form of hate comments, threats and hacking.
Amnesty International has linked this issue to "political abuses, often perpetrated by state agencies, ultimately silencing young people."
21% of respondents said they face incitement or threats every week, and almost a third of young human rights activists say they have cordoned off themselves in response to technology-enabled violence, while another 14% say they have stopped publishing anything about human rights. in general.
21% of participants say they have been harassed because of their gender, and 20% because of their race or origin. A small number said they faced discrimination based on their socioeconomic background, age, or disability.
5% of young human rights activists say they have experienced sexual harassment online, and report that users have posted their private photos, real or fake, without their consent.