Ansarullah: America and England should no longer pass through Bab al-Mandeb

A member of the political office of the Ansarullah movement has warned that American and British forces will no longer be able to pass through Bab al-Mandeb after the Yemeni attack on an American ship a few hours ago.

Jan 16, 2024 - 12:08
Ansarullah: America and England should no longer pass through Bab al-Mandeb
Ansarullah: America and England should no longer pass through Bab al-Mandeb

Muhammed El Bahiti, political bureau member of the Ansarullah movement, emphasized that the Yemeni armed forces have developed their missile capabilities and that there will be surprises in the near future. El-Bahiti pointed out that American and British forces could no longer pass through Bab el-Mandeb and said, "We have entered a new phase and the resistance axis has taken control of the affairs in the region." America will also regret the attack on Yemen and will be the loser. Yemeni armed forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Seree announced on Monday evening that the country's forces targeted a US ship in the Gulf of Aden during a military operation. Yahya Seree also said: This operation was carried out with a large number of naval missiles and hit the target directly and accurately. The Yemeni armed forces spokesman also warned: We consider all American and British warships participating in the attack on our country as enemy targets within the target bank of our forces. Seree also emphasized that a response to American and British attacks will definitely come, and that a new attack will not be left unanswered and will not be punished. A few hours ago, Al Jazeera news channel reported that Ansarullah forces targeted a ship in the Red Sea heading to occupied Palestine, citing a Yemeni military source. This source said that the ship's crew did not heed the warnings of Yemeni forces and that is why this ship was targeted.