Ansarullah Leader Criticizes Arab Governments' Silence on Israel's Actions, Desecration of the Qur'an

Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen's Ansarullah Resistance Movement, has strongly condemned certain Arab governments for their inaction in the face of ongoing Israeli aggression against Palestinians and the desecration of the Qur'an in the Gaza Strip. In a televised address from Sana'a on Thursday, al-Houthi criticized the silence of Arab regimes, accusing them of complacency in the face of crimes committed by the Israeli regime.

Sep 7, 2024 - 10:31
Ansarullah Leader Criticizes Arab Governments' Silence on Israel's Actions, Desecration of the Qur'an

Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen's Ansarullah Resistance Movement, has strongly condemned certain Arab governments for their inaction in the face of ongoing Israeli aggression against Palestinians and the desecration of the Qur'an in the Gaza Strip. In a televised address from Sana'a on Thursday, al-Houthi criticized the silence of Arab regimes, accusing them of complacency in the face of crimes committed by the Israeli regime.

Al-Houthi emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, "Arab countries are merely watching as the Zionist regime continues its attacks on Palestinians, burns mosques, and desecrates copies of the Holy Qur'an, without taking a clear and firm stance." His remarks come amid increasing tensions in Gaza, where Israeli military actions have sparked widespread condemnation across the Muslim world.

Call for Jihad and Muslim Unity

In his speech, the Ansarullah leader called on Muslims worldwide to embrace the spirit of Jihad, or striving in the way of Allah, warning that neglecting this duty would lead to a loss of honor and freedom for the Muslim community. "If we, as Muslims, ignore these vital issues, we will lose not only our dignity but also our fundamental freedoms," al-Houthi said. He stressed the need for a united front in the face of Israeli aggression, urging the Islamic world to confront what he described as an existential threat to their religion and values.

Criticism of Arab Governments’ Relations with Israel

Al-Houthi further criticized several Arab governments for seeking to normalize relations with Israel, accusing them of prioritizing their own survival over the defense of Palestinian rights. He claimed that some Arab regimes are attempting to appease the "Zionist enemy" in the hope of securing protection. "These governments believe that by making deals with the Zionist regime, they can safeguard their own interests. However, when they are no longer useful, they will be discarded by their so-called ally," al-Houthi warned.

His remarks are seen as a direct critique of the recent moves by several Arab states to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel under the Abraham Accords, an initiative led by the United States that has been met with mixed reactions in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Al-Houthi’s comments reflect growing discontent among factions that view these agreements as a betrayal of the Palestinian cause.

Praise for Palestinian Resistance

Al-Houthi also praised the resilience of Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza, noting their ability to fend off Israeli military forces despite being outgunned and outnumbered. He lauded the Palestinian fighters for their determination, saying, "Even the large armies of some Arab countries could not stand against the combined forces of the United States and the Zionist regime as the Palestinian resistance has done with limited resources."

He commended the endurance of the people of Gaza, highlighting how their suffering under Israeli attacks has resonated even with non-Muslim countries, sparking international outrage and sympathy. "The genocide and brutal attacks on the people of Gaza have awakened human conscience around the world, even among those outside the Muslim community," he added.

Yemen's Naval Operations Against Israeli Interests

In a significant development, al-Houthi also revealed that Yemen has been conducting naval operations against commercial ships linked to Israel in a show of support for the Palestinian people. He confirmed that these operations, which target Israeli interests in the Red Sea and beyond, are part of Ansarullah's broader strategy of resistance against the Israeli regime.

"Our naval forces are carrying out these operations to send a clear message: We stand with the Palestinians in their fight for freedom, and we will not allow the Israeli regime to operate unchecked in our region," al-Houthi declared. He further noted that these operations have been successful, with enemies acknowledging their failure to halt Yemen's military actions in key maritime zones.

Growing Tensions and Regional Implications

Al-Houthi's speech highlights the escalating tensions between pro-Palestinian movements and governments in the Arab world that have sought closer ties with Israel. His harsh criticism of Arab regimes may increase pressure on those governments, particularly as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to draw global attention.

The Ansarullah leader's remarks also point to a broader regional power struggle, as resistance movements like Ansarullah seek to position themselves as defenders of Palestinian rights while criticizing what they see as capitulation by other Arab states.

As the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, the international community remains divided on how to address the conflict, with calls for greater intervention to prevent further violence and ensure the protection of Palestinian civilians.