Azerbaijan and Turkey Seek BRICS Membership Amid Expansion

Following this year's significant expansion of BRICS, the bloc originally comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, Azerbaijan and Turkey have expressed their desire to join the organization.

Jun 16, 2024 - 14:09
Azerbaijan and Turkey Seek BRICS Membership Amid Expansion

 Following this year's significant expansion of BRICS, the bloc originally comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, Azerbaijan and Turkey have expressed their desire to join the organization. This move comes as BRICS recently welcomed Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, and the UAE into its fold, with another 29 countries showing interest in membership or partnership.

The Russian newspaper "Izvestia" has obtained a complete list of nations keen on joining BRICS either as full members or partner states. Alongside Azerbaijan and Turkey, the list includes Vietnam, Indonesia, Syria, and Thailand, as well as several African nations such as Chad, Eritrea, and South Sudan. Palestine, which lacks full international recognition, is also separately mentioned as a potential candidate.

However, not all interested countries have formally applied for membership. Diplomatic sources have indicated that it remains uncertain which of these countries will join BRICS at the upcoming summit in Kazan and in what capacity.

Azerbaijan's interest in BRICS is particularly noteworthy. Although Azerbaijani officials have not explicitly detailed the level of their intended participation, Azerbaijani athletes are currently competing in the BRICS Games in Kazan. This involvement underscores Baku's growing engagement with the bloc.

Local analysts highlight the potential benefits of Azerbaijan's cooperation with BRICS, particularly in enhancing mutual trade within the South Caucasus. With neighbors Russia and Iran already BRICS members, Azerbaijan's entry could bolster regional economic integration, forming a cohesive block of BRICS nations in the area.

Turkey, with its strategic geopolitical position and robust economy, also stands to gain significantly from BRICS membership. Inclusion in BRICS could provide Turkey with expanded economic opportunities and a stronger platform for its regional and global aspirations.

The interest from these diverse countries reflects BRICS' growing influence and the attractiveness of its multilateral platform. As the organization continues to evolve, its expanded membership could reshape global economic and political landscapes, offering new avenues for cooperation among emerging economies.

The forthcoming BRICS summit in Kazan will be pivotal in determining the future composition and direction of the bloc. As the world watches, the potential inclusion of new members like Azerbaijan and Turkey could signal a new era for BRICS, marked by increased diversity and strengthened global influence.