Beijing Ignores Washington's Request to Join Maritime Coalition

Politico magazine considered the Chinese Foreign Minister's remarks about Washington's request for China to join a new maritime coalition in the Red Sea as a sign of Beijing's rejection of the request.

Dec 23, 2023 - 04:14
Beijing Ignores Washington's Request to Join Maritime Coalition
Beijing Ignores Washington's Request to Join Maritime Coalition

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in a press conference on Thursday (21/12/2023), answered questions related to previous statements by Matthew Miller, Spokesperson for the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that this country would welcome China's constructive role in efforts to prevent attacks on merchant ships in the Sea. Red. Wang Yi said, Maintaining regional security and stability will benefit the common interests of the international community. US Navy Fleet Stating that China defends the safety of international shipping lanes from interference with civilian ships, Wang added,  We believe that relevant parties, especially influential countries, should play a constructive and responsible role in safeguarding the security of shipping lanes in the Red Sea. In a Politico report proving that the Chinese Foreign Minister's response shows Beijing's indifference to Washington's request to join a new naval coalition in the Red Sea, it has been emphasized that Beijing shows with this attitude that it is not interested in joining a new naval coalition in the Red Sea that led by America. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin claimed on Tuesday morning that a coalition had been formed to counter Yemen's military operations in the Red Sea, a coalition that, in addition to the United States, includes Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Canada , Bahrain and Seychelles. Australia Rejects US Request to Send Warships to the Red Sea So far, Yemeni forces have seized or targeted several ships belonging to the Zionist regime or ships carrying cargo for this regime, and practically made the Red Sea unsafe only for the ships of the Zionist regime, and other ships moving in complete safety.