Biden Campaign Plans Robust Push Centered on Reproductive Rights Ahead of Dobbs Decision Anniversary

Jun 16, 2024 - 14:48
Biden Campaign Plans Robust Push Centered on Reproductive Rights Ahead of Dobbs Decision Anniversary

 As the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade approaches, President Joe Biden's campaign is gearing up for a significant mobilization effort. The campaign aims to contrast Biden's stance on reproductive rights with that of former President Donald Trump, according to exclusive information shared with NBC News.In the lead-up to the anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, the Biden campaign will hold more than 30 events to activate volunteers and engage voters in key battleground cities, including Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Las Vegas. This initiative is strategically timed to coincide with Biden's first debate against Trump in this election cycle on June 27.

Morgan Mohr, the Biden campaign’s senior adviser for reproductive rights, emphasized the campaign's commitment to this issue. “What you’re going to see this anniversary is every arm, every single piece of muscle on this campaign is going to be mobilized on this issue and part of this effort,” Mohr said. “We’ve seen it work and we’re really excited to leverage this moment. And we’re also excited to keep doing that every week for the next 20 weeks until we win this election.”

Mohr described the Dobbs decision as marking "the two-year mark of the devastation that Trump has unleashed across the country," and stated that the campaign intends to "show voters exactly what he has done to women across the nation."

The campaign's strategy underscores abortion as a uniquely mobilizing issue, especially with several state ballot measures on abortion access set for November. Polls indicate that abortion remains a critical issue influencing voter decisions.

To amplify this push, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, along with prominent supporters like Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tina Smith, and actor Lisa Ann Walter, will spotlight the consequences of overturning Roe v. Wade. The campaign will feature personal stories from women affected by restrictive abortion laws in new advertisements leading up to the anniversary.

The campaign will also hold virtual and in-person storytelling training sessions to empower women to share their experiences and highlight the importance of reproductive freedom. Notable speakers at these events include Kaitlyn Kash, Amanda Zurawski, Kaitlyn Joshua, Dr. Austin Dennard, Latorya Beasley, and Lauren Miller, who will share their personal stories across the country.

In addition to these events, campaign surrogates will appear on radio and collaborate with popular internet creators to disseminate information and rally support for the Biden campaign.

Kaitlyn Kash, a 37-year-old from Austin, Texas, shared her motivation for participating in these efforts. Kash had to travel out of state for an abortion at 13 weeks due to a fatal birth defect in her fetus and later gave birth to a healthy daughter via in vitro fertilization. "I have to give my time and my story to a national level because my state won’t protect me," Kash said. "My state has made it very clear that they do not care if I live or die, and they do not care about my rights to choose to do what I want to do. And so I need federal protection."

Kash emphasized the importance of sharing these stories to remove the stigma around abortion and highlight that "abortion is health care, and health care is a fundamental human right."

The campaign's focus on reproductive rights is further fueled by the Supreme Court's recent decision to reject a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone, keeping the drug widely available. Kash expressed relief at the ruling but warned of ongoing threats to abortion access.

The Biden campaign plans to use the Dobbs anniversary to argue that Trump and Republicans, if given the opportunity, would push for a national abortion ban. Mohr stressed that the challenge to mifepristone is part of a larger strategy to ban abortion nationwide. “We are seeing in real time the chaos, confusion, cruelty that he has caused,” Mohr said of Trump. “It’s not over. We have not hit bottom yet, but it has been awful enough. And what he has done could get far worse if he gets back into office and brings this devastation to all 50 states.”