Biden Enlists Star Power for Campaign Fundraisers Featuring Obama, Clooney, and Roberts

President Joe Biden is ramping up his fundraising efforts for the 2024 election with a series of high-profile events, including one in Los Angeles next month featuring former President Barack Obama and Hollywood stars George Clooney and Julia Roberts. This strategic move aims to bolster Biden's campaign coffers as he faces a rejuvenated fundraising drive by Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee.

May 12, 2024 - 13:47
Biden Enlists Star Power for Campaign Fundraisers Featuring Obama, Clooney, and Roberts


President Joe Biden is ramping up his fundraising efforts for the 2024 election with a series of high-profile events, including one in Los Angeles next month featuring former President Barack Obama and Hollywood stars George Clooney and Julia Roberts. This strategic move aims to bolster Biden's campaign coffers as he faces a rejuvenated fundraising drive by Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee.

The Los Angeles event, planned for mid-June, is set to be a major draw. It will include a unique social media contest with Clooney and Roberts to engage grassroots donors and leverage their celebrity status to boost contributions through campaign communications. This approach mirrors the successful fundraiser held in New York City with Obama and former President Bill Clinton, which raised a record $26 million for the Democrats in one evening.

Additionally, Biden is scheduled to host another significant event on the East Coast with Bill and Hillary Clinton early this summer. These events are part of a broader strategy to maintain a financial lead over Trump, who has recently secured the Republican nomination, enabling him to utilize full party resources for his campaign.

Despite a robust start with cash advantages allowing for strategic investments in battleground states, Biden's campaign is cautiously monitoring Trump's escalating fundraising activities. Trump's recent event in Palm Beach, Florida, significantly boosted his funds, reflecting in a joint total with the RNC of $76 million in April.

Biden's campaign continues to focus on building a substantial ground operation and maintaining visibility across key states. Amidst these efforts, Obama remains a crucial figure in fundraising, with his appeals helping to bring in over $17 million in small-dollar donations since Biden's reelection campaign began.

As the political season heats up, both camps are aggressively pursuing funds to secure a competitive edge in the 2024 presidential race. The Biden campaign, leveraging its star-studded events and the enduring appeal of figures like Obama, aims to keep pace with or exceed the fundraising achievements of its Republican counterparts.