Brazil: The United Nations should have the courage to ensure the creation of a Palestinian state

Oct 30, 2023 - 13:51
Brazil: The United Nations should have the courage to ensure the creation of a Palestinian state
Brazil: The United Nations should have the courage to ensure the creation of a Palestinian state

President Lula da Silva of Brazil has said, the United Nations must have the courage to ensure the creation of a Palestinian state. Lula da Silva has marked the anniversary of the establishment of the Israeli government following the United Nations resolution in 1947 when the Brazilian diplomat Oswaldo Aranha was the president of the United Nations General Assembly and emphasized that, right now, the United Nations should show the courage to ensure the Palestinian state is created. The president of Brazil has criticized the actions of the prime minister of the Zionist administration of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and said: "What we are witnessing right now is the insanity of the prime minister of Israel who wants to end the presence of the Gaza Strip and forget that not only Hamas soldiers, but also women and children are also the biggest victims of this war". Da Silva has also defended the position of calling for the use of the veto in the UN Security Council to be ended, calling it "mad" and "undemocratic". Last week, a draft resolution submitted by Brazil, the current president of the United Nations Security Council, on the conflict between Palestine and the Zionist regime, was vetoed by the United States despite the support of 12 "yes" votes. . The President of Brazil has also stated that the country will not stop making every effort to prevent the escalation of fighting even if it is not leading the United Nations Security Council. Da Silva has also called on the International Community to quickly restart the dialogue process between Palestine and Israel. The Al-Aqsa Hurricane operation has entered its 22nd day today as it is reported that the barbaric attacks of the Zionist regime in residential areas, medical centers and schools in Gaza have intensified and flared up more. The condition of the people of Gaza is so bad that even the American television NBC has reported this morning that the condition of the residents of Gaza is terrible and very sad due to the severe and all-round attacks of the Zionist regime of Israel.../