Chile: Zionist regime violates international laws
Chile's representative at the International Court of Justice called the Zionist regime a systematic violator of international law in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Cuban news agency Prensa Latina, Jimena Fuentes, Chile's representative at the International Court of Justice based in The Hague, Netherlands, on Tuesday, attending the second hearing to review the actions of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip in the international body, called the occupation of Palestinian lands by the Zionist regime illegal act. Jimena Fuentes also stated during the meeting of the International Court: "Chile believes that the Zionist regime violates the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and other norms of international law." About a hundred pro-Palestine Chilean lawyers previously filed a complaint against the Zionist regime at the International Court of Justice for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. Andres Giordano, a representative of the Chilean parliament, recently emphasized that the usual position of that country is to condemn the constant violations of international laws committed by the Zionist regime, and this cannot be tolerated; Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of the Zionist regime, must stand trial for crimes against humanity. Earlier, Algeria's representative to the International Court of Justice, Ahmad Laaraba, emphasized the legal consequences of the actions of the Zionist regime in Palestinian lands, pointing out that the actions of the occupying Zionist regime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip demonstrate a clear violation of the law and international law, and its policies have legal consequences that affect all countries and the United Nations. South Africa's representative at the International Court of Justice on Tuesday, at the second hearing on the legal consequences of the occupation of the Zionist regime in that court, saying that the violence and attacks of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip are contrary to international law, emphasized the need to prosecute the genocide of the Zionist regime. Ziyad bin Al-Masani al-Attiyah, the representative of Saudi Arabia at the International Court of Justice, at the second hearing on the legal consequences of the occupation of the Zionist regime in this court, asked this international body to declare the Zionist regime's occupation of Palestinian lands illegal. A Dutch legal team said at the second hearing of countries' views on the consequences of the occupation of Palestinian lands by the Zionist regime at the International Court of Justice that the Israeli regime cannot have sovereignty over the Palestinian territories. Public hearings of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the policies and actions of the Zionist occupation in the Palestinian territories began last Monday in The Hague and will last 6 days. At these meetings, in addition to the African Union, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the League of Arab States, representatives of 52 countries must also present their oral complaints about the legal consequences of the occupation of the West Bank and Eastern Quds (Jerusalem) by the Zionist occupation regime.