EU's Borrell Urges Azerbaijan to Ensure Rights of Armenians Returning to Karabakh

Jun 22, 2024 - 15:32
EU's Borrell Urges Azerbaijan to Ensure Rights of Armenians Returning to Karabakh


The European Union continues its efforts to mediate and support the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, particularly concerning the rights and safety of Armenians returning to Karabakh. Josep Borrell, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has called on Azerbaijan to ensure the non-discriminatory return of Armenians to their homes in Karabakh.

In a recent statement, Borrell emphasized the EU's commitment to resolving outstanding issues between Armenia and Azerbaijan. He urged Azerbaijan to adhere to due process and uphold the fundamental principles of detainee protection and transparency regarding Armenian detainees from Nagorno-Karabakh. "The EU calls on Azerbaijan to respect due process, the fundamental principles of the protection of detainees, and to ensure transparency," Borrell stated.

The EU advocates for confidence-building measures, including the release and repatriation of Armenian detainees, believing these steps are crucial for advancing the peace process and fostering trust between the two nations. The EU welcomed the joint statement from Armenia and Azerbaijan on December 7, 2023, which included confidence-building measures such as prisoner exchanges, and continues to encourage further actions in this direction.

In its ongoing engagement with Azerbaijan, the EU maintains regular human rights dialogues and bilateral contacts. The EU delegation in Baku closely monitors the situation, working in conjunction with the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has regular access to Armenian detainees.

The European Parliament's press service reiterated the EU's call for Azerbaijan to ensure the rights of Karabakh Armenians, particularly their right to return to their homes without fear of intimidation or discrimination. "The EU continues to call on Azerbaijan to ensure the rights of Karabakh Armenians, including the right to return to their homes without intimidation or discrimination," the statement read.

In addition to its diplomatic efforts, the EU has provided significant humanitarian aid to support Karabakh Armenians displaced in September 2023 and earlier. Over 33 million euros have been allocated to meet their immediate needs, underscoring the EU's commitment to alleviating the humanitarian impact of the conflict.

As part of its broader strategy, the EU aims to build sustainable peace and stability in the region by fostering dialogue, ensuring human rights are respected, and providing humanitarian support to those affected by the conflict. The international community continues to watch closely as the EU works to mediate and support a peaceful resolution between Armenia and Azerbaijan.