European Financial Institutions Guarantee €36 Billion in Arms Sales to Israel Amidst Human Rights Concerns

Jun 22, 2024 - 15:36
European Financial Institutions Guarantee €36 Billion in Arms Sales to Israel Amidst Human Rights Concerns


A coalition of 19 human rights organizations has reported that European financial institutions have provided guarantees totaling €36.1 billion for the sale of weapons to Israel. This revelation highlights the significant financial backing from Europe supporting the Israeli military, which has faced widespread condemnation for its actions in the occupied Palestinian territories.

According to the coalition's report, six of the world's largest arms manufacturers sold weapons to Israel between 2019 and 2023. The financial guarantees from European institutions facilitate these transactions, ensuring that the Israeli military continues to receive substantial supplies of arms.

Chris Sidoti, a member of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, described the Israeli army as one of the deadliest in the world, particularly criticizing its operations in Gaza. Sidoti's remarks underscore the grave concerns regarding the humanitarian impact of Israel's military actions.

The most recent data reveals a devastating toll from the latest round of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, which began on October 7, 2023. Over 37,000 Palestinians have been killed, and more than 85,000 injured. These figures reflect the severe human cost of the ongoing conflict and the intensifying violence in the region.

The establishment of the Israeli state has been marked by controversy and conflict since its declaration in 1948, following the British colonial mandate in 1917 and the subsequent immigration of Jews to Palestinian territories. Since its inception, there have been numerous instances of mass killings and alleged genocide aimed at displacing the Palestinian population and expanding Israeli territory.

Iran remains a staunch opponent of the Israeli regime, advocating for its dissolution and the return of Jewish immigrants to their original homelands. This stance reflects broader geopolitical tensions and differing perspectives on the legitimacy and actions of the Israeli state.

The European financial institutions' involvement in guaranteeing arms sales to Israel has drawn sharp criticism from human rights advocates, who argue that these actions support and sustain a regime accused of severe human rights violations. The substantial financial support for arms sales contrasts sharply with international calls for accountability and an end to the violence.

International Reactions and Implications

The revelations have sparked debates about the ethical responsibilities of financial institutions and the role of international actors in conflict zones. Critics argue that by facilitating arms sales, these institutions are complicit in the ongoing violence and suffering in Gaza and the West Bank.

European governments and the EU are likely to face increased pressure to address these concerns and reconsider their financial and political support for Israel. There is a growing call for transparency and accountability in how financial guarantees are provided and used, particularly in conflict settings with significant civilian casualties.

As the conflict continues, the international community remains deeply divided over the appropriate response and the steps needed to achieve a lasting and just peace in the region. The ongoing financial support for Israel's military operations by European institutions adds a complex layer to these discussions, highlighting the intricate interplay between finance, politics, and human rights.