EU’s Borrell Warns Lebanon-Israel Conflict Nears ‘Full-Fledged War’

According to the European Union's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, the growing bloodshed between Israel and Hezbollah dangerously nears fully dragging the Middle East into a full-scale war. Speaking on Monday before the UN General Assembly in New York, Borrell expressed great worry about the increasing civilian death toll and the increasing degree of conflict.

Sep 24, 2024 - 13:54
EU’s Borrell Warns Lebanon-Israel Conflict Nears ‘Full-Fledged War’


According to the European Union's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, the growing bloodshed between Israel and Hezbollah dangerously nears fully dragging the Middle East into a full-scale war. Speaking on Monday before the UN General Assembly in New York, Borrell expressed great worry about the increasing civilian death toll and the increasing degree of conflict.

Borrell remarked, stressing the rising frequency and intensity of military strikes, "We are almost in a full-fledged war." Emphasizing that citizens are suffering the most, he urged world leaders to boost diplomatic initiatives to stop more escalation. 

On Monday, Israeli strikes claimed at least 492 deaths among Lebanese officials, including 35 children. Since the Gaza crisis started in October 2023, this represented the worst day of cross-border violence ever recorded. Claiming to have targeted 1,300 sites in southern and eastern Lebanon, including strongholds for Hezbollah, Israeli forces Reportedly dead were "large number" of Hezbollah fighters; Israeli strikes also targeted Beirut's sites.

As tensions have travelled from Gaza to Lebanon, Borrell's remarks highlight the mounting global concern over the possibility for a regional conflict. Complicating an already unstable scenario, Hezbollah, a strong Iran-backed force, has been progressively participating in reprisal strikes against Israel. 

"Everybody has to put all their capacity to stop this," Borrell said, advocating worldwide diplomatic involvement to prevent a full-fledged war. He acknowledged that despite continuous worldwide efforts, attempts to stop the bloodshed in Gaza have been so far failed. "Despite all the diplomatic capacity that we have deployed, nothing has been able to stop the war," he said, berating both sides for dragging on the fighting.

Beginning with an unexpected strike by Hamas on Israeli territory, the conflict has deteriorated into more general regional violence drawing in Lebanon and threatening to swallow surrounding nations. Borrell's demand for immediate diplomacy coincides with world leaders assembling at the UN, where the Middle East situation is likely to take the stage.

Emphasizing the importance of moderation on all sides, the European Union has constantly advocated for a ceasefire. Still, the Middle East is in terrible shape with no end in sight and casualties rising; worries about a more general war with disastrous effects for the area and beyond abound.