France calls for an immediate end to the conflict in Gaza

Nov 7, 2023 - 13:35
France calls for an immediate end to the conflict in Gaza
France calls for an immediate end to the conflict in Gaza

France's representative to the UN Security Council on Tuesday called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the sending of humanitarian aid to the strip. According to Sputnik news agency, Nicolas Dorivere said: “We want an immediate and lasting humanitarian ceasefire that will stop the conflict.” Without mentioning France's support for the Zionist regime and the killing of Palestinian civilians, he only condemned the attack on UN centers and its humanitarian activists. The deputy US representative to the UN said there are disagreements in the Security Council over a humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. China's representative to the UN Security Council also called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and said: "We ask all parties to take action to stop the war and guarantee the protection of civilians." During Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip, Russia proposed a peace resolution that was rejected by Israel's supporters: the US, UK and France. Since October 7, the Zionist regime has attacked the Gaza Strip under the pretext of fighting Hamas, using all types of heavy and even unconventional weapons and ammunition, such as phosphorus bombs and one-ton trench bombs. This genocide was carried out with the support of Western countries supporting the Zionist regime, who have so far vetoed any ceasefire resolution in the Security Council, or instead of trying to stop the killing and bombing of Palestinians, they seek to pass resolutions in support of Tel Aviv .