From Gaza to Beijing: Is Israel Washington’s Proxy in the Imperial Chess Game against China?

Oct 1, 2024 - 21:38
From Gaza to Beijing: Is Israel Washington’s Proxy in the Imperial Chess Game against China?

By: A. Mahdavi


In the aftermath of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, 2023 Israel waged a savage war on Gaza massacring over 40.000 civilians without the slightest hint of moral consideration. While some may naively interpret this brutality as a desperate reaction to Israel's embarrassment at the hands of the Palestinian resistance;

the truth is far more complicated far more sinister. Israel's war crimes are not merely a knee-jerk response to its military losses; in fact, they are part of a far-reaching agenda orchestrated in lockstep with Western and more specifically American imperial ambitions.


America’s Geopolitical Obsession

At the core of this grim equation lies the United States engaged in an all-encompassing methodical campaign to throttle China’s rise on the world stage. Washington haunted by the specter of its own waning influence has thrown every diplomatic-economic-military tool at its disposal into an insidious effort to prevent China from ascending to the status of a global superpower. Washington's fear is palpable: if China’s Silk Road initiative—an audacious economic and trade network spanning continents—gains full traction the U.S.'s dominion over global affairs will be relegated to history's margins. Faced with this looming existential threat the U.S. has concocted a long-term strategy that seeks not just to contain China but to bleed it dry employing a slow grind of attrition that mobilizes allies and proxies alike.


Israel: West’s Mad Dog

In this wider geopolitical theater; Israel emerges as Washington’s most vicious instrument. Emboldened by unwavering U.S. backing Israel has become the West’s hired hand recklessly crossing every conceivable boundary of international law and human decency. Global outrage at Israel's indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinians is met with a collective shrug from the West whose silence is not a failure of diplomacy; rather;a chilling proof of complicity. The Israeli regime freed from any pretense of accountability rains down destruction on Gaza with impunity confident in the knowledge that it serves a higher geopolitical purpose: the preservation of Western hegemony at any cost.

Of course, the pretext is always Iran—the West’s ever-convenient boogeyman. But to suggest that Israel’s wanton aggression is merely about countering Tehran is to ignore the far more significant reality. Israel’s barbarism is deeply intertwined with the U.S.' strategy to undermine China. The linchpin of this strategy is the so-called I-MAC Corridor a U.S.-backed economic artery that stretches from India; goes through the UAE and Saudi Arabia; passes through Jordan and Israel;and reaches its terminus in Greece. This corridor is not merely a trade route; it is the West’s desperate attempt to counter China’s One Belt One Road Initiative(BRI). By establishing a parallel axis of commerce that deliberately circumvents China the U.S. hopes to starve Beijing of influence in a region critical to its global ambitions.


Israel’s Calculated Role in Containing China

Israel understands its role perfectly. Its mission is not simply to bomb Gaza into submission but to reshape the balance of power across the region in a way that strengthens U.S. leverage against China. In this deadly game of geopolitical chess Israel’s task is to neutralize the so-called “Iranian threat” knowing full well that doing so will undermine China’s foothold in the Middle East. By systematically erasing Iran’s influence--whether through proxy wars economic sabotage or outright military intervention--Israel seeks to increase the bargaining power of its Western allies in the emerging geopolitical order.

The West of course plays its role to perfection feigning concern over the human toll in Gaza while continuing to arm Israel to the teeth. The silence from Washington and Brussels is deafening. In reality their quiet acquiescence is a tacit endorsement of Israel’s role in this grand strategy—a cold calculated gamble that sacrificing Palestinian lives will advance the larger goal of containing China and preserving Western supremacy.


Reclaiming the Battlefield: What Must Be Done?

Now with the full scope of this malignant scheme laid bare it becomes imperative for Iran and China to realign their strategies in response. Iran in particular must deepen its alliance with China underscoring that any diminishment of Iranian resistance will ultimately play into the hands of those who seek to dismantle both nations’ futures. Furthermore Iran and China must challenge the U.S.-backed economic pathways such as the I-MAC Corridor that seek to marginalize them. Engaging Egypt a critical gatekeeper of the Suez Canal and a strategic counterweight to the I-MAC Corridor could be the linchpin in thwarting this Western project.

Diplomatically economically and militarily Iran China and their regional allies must create a robust and unified front to resist this Western onslaught. This is not just about defending national interests but about upending a global order designed to subjugate entire regions under the thumb of the American imperialism.

The time for passive resistance is over. To challenge the West’s geopolitical chessboard Iran China and their allies must take decisive action leveraging every asset at their disposal to expose and dismantle this neocolonial agenda. Failure to do so will not only spell doom for the Palestinian people but also for any hope of a multipolar world where sovereignty and self-determination are more than just empty slogans.

In this dire moment the stakes could not be clearer: the fight for Gaza is the fight for the future of global power and the world can no longer afford to stand idly by.