Europe’s Hypocrisy Unveiled: Aiding Israel’s War Machine in Lebanon and Palestine

Oct 1, 2024 - 21:39
Europe’s Hypocrisy Unveiled: Aiding Israel’s War Machine in Lebanon and Palestine

By: A. Mahdavi


In the days following Israel’s dangerous military escalation along Lebanon’s borders; it has become glaringly evident that Israel (with its long-standing obnoxious impunity) is intent on destroying every international and moral red line. Under the flimsy guise of "self-defense," it embarks on yet another chapter of wanton aggression; now targeting Hezbollah in Lebanon. And all the while;

the so-called "international community"--aka, the United States and its European cohorts--stand by as enablers, draped in the blood-soaked garments of complicity. What’s unfolding is not just Israel's savage wars but a meticulously coordinated Western endeavor designed to crush Islamic resistance in the region, no matter the human cost.


Europe’s Blood-Soaked Hands

Europe-- ever the hypocritical champion of human rights-- is neck-deep in Israel’s genocidal campaign against Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the forced displacement of thousands in Lebanon. The European bloc, despite its towering self-righteousness, has shown neither the will nor the inclination to rein in Israel. Its feeble calls for "restraint" ring hollow, drowned out by the deafening roar of fighter jets supplied by European manufacturers. As civilian bodies pile up in Gaza and Lebanon, Europe not only turns a blind eye but actively arms the perpetrator; giving Israel the logistical and military backing it needs to carry out these atrocities.

The truth is inescapable: Europe is not merely indifferent to the carnage--it is complicit. It has joined forces with the U.S. in equipping Israel with the tools of war; thereby becoming a full-fledged accomplice in the slaughter of innocents. For all its talk of peace and diplomacy, Europe’s actions speak louder: it is hand-in-hand with Israel in this grotesque theater of war-- willing to sacrifice thousands of lives on the altar of geopolitical strategy.


The West's License to Kill

Israel’s carte blanche to commit war crimes, albeit, would not be possible without the unflinching support of the United States. Washington's role in this macabre alliance is not merely that of a passive observer; it is the primary architect of this strategy. Despite mouthing empty platitudes about peace, the U.S. has fully replenished Israel’s military arsenal; ensuring the killing machine continues unabated. Every bomb dropped on Gaza; every missile fired into Lebanon, is, in fact, stamped with Washington’s approval. 

Europe and the U.S. have not just given Israel diplomatic cover--they’ve handed it a blank check for murder. The West's collective silence in the face of Israel’s brutal onslaught is not just an oversight; it is a deliberate act of policy. These Western powers have made it abundantly clear that their true agenda is to see Israel grind down the resistance--whether in Palestine or Lebanon--until every flicker of defiance is extinguished. Israel has been given a license to kill with total impunity-- all under the watchful eyes of its Western patrons.


Europe's Cynical Game: Aiding Israeli Holocaust in Palestine

The question then arises: Why does Europe; which prides itself on its so-called moral superiority remain deafeningly silent as Israeli war-machine continues its ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza ? The answer is both simple and sinister. Europe; for all its pretense of neutrality; is invested in the demise of the resistance front. Europe's muted responses and half-hearted condemnations are nothing more than a ruse; a cynical ploy to maintain its facade of diplomacy while ensuring Israel has free rein to act as the West’s hammer in the region.

Europe is acutely aware that the outcome of this confrontation will shape the future of Southwest Asia. In its calculation; a weakened resistance is a victory for Western interests. The less influence Hezbollah; Iran; and other resistance forces wield; the easier it becomes for Europe and its U.S. counterpart to maintain their grip over the region’s resources and strategic corridors. Europe, therefore; plays the "good cop," issuing meaningless calls for dialogue while silently cheering Israel's atrocities from the sidelines.

By pressuring Hezbollah to exercise “restraint;” Europe has effectively shielded Israel from the full force of retaliation; allowing Tel Aviv to regroup and direct its military might northward. The West’s true goal is to pacify the Islamic resistance, ensuring that Israel can continue its march of destruction without fear of meaningful opposition. This strategy is designed not just to secure Israel’s dominance but to further the broader Western objective: the weakening of any force in the region that challenges U.S.-EU hegemony.


The Mirage of "Strategic Patience": A Grave Misstep?

In the face of this relentless onslaught; the resistance’s strategy of patience now stands as a double--edged sword. Hezbollah’s calculated restraint; likely aimed at allowing international pressure to build against Israel; has proven fruitless. Neither the U.S. nor Europe have shown the slightest willingness to rein in Israel. In fact; their tacit approval of Israel’s war crimes has only emboldened Tel Aviv. 

The truth is that strategic patience, once seen as a measured approach; has now become a liability. The longer Hezbollah and the resistance front hold back; the more emboldened Israel becomes; taking calculated steps to escalate the conflict , all while avoiding significant consequences. This restraint, however well—intentioned, risks allowing Israel to gain the upper hand; leaving Hezbollah increasingly vulnerable to further Israeli aggression.

If Hezbollah and the resistance fail to strike back with full force; they risk being slowly bled out by Israel’s incremental escalation. The resistance must now recalibrate its strategy and deal a decisive blow that will force Israel--and its Western backers--to rethink their reckless pursuit of dominance. The time for partial responses is over. Hezbollah must widen its scope; targeting Israel’s economic interests and breaking the illusion of invulnerability that Israel has carefully cultivated.


Hezbollah's Long Overdue Retaliation

For nearly a year the resistance has exercised commendable restraint--rather this approach has only served to reveal the West’s true colors. The U.S. and Europe are not interested in peace. They are not interested in justice. Their sole aim is the suppression of any force that dares to stand against Israel and; by extension; the Western order. In sum, they may throw Netanyahu to the wolves (a scape goat) sending him off to The Hague as a token gesture-- but only after he has fulfilled his mission of securing West’s dominance over the Middle-East.

Now is the time for Hezbollah and the broader resistance to abandon any illusion that the West can be swayed by diplomacy or appeals to human rights. The resistance must take the offensive; delivering a crushing blow that will change the balance of power and force the West to reconsider its blind support for Israel. Only through decisive action can the resistance alter the course of the conflict and ensure that the region does not fall prey to Israel’s genocidal ambitions and the West’s imperial designs.

The West has made its choice clear: it stands with Israel; no matter the cost in human lives. The resistance, too, must now make its choice--to strike back with overwhelming force and ensure that Israel’s reign of terror comes to an end.