G7: The US is provoking Russia

G7: The US is provoking Russia

Jun 22, 2023 - 11:25
G7: The US is provoking Russia
G7: The US is provoking Russia

One of the documents adopted at the conclusion of recent meetings in the G7 format, states that “Unlike other nuclear powers, i.e. Russia and China, the United States, England and France adopt a responsible and transparent approach in the nuclear sphere”. Furthermore, they state that they have published data on their nuclear forces and the objective size of their nuclear arsenals." Statements that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergej Ryabkov defined as "inadequate" reflect the general anti-Russian and anti-Chinese tone that has become the leitmotif of the so-called G7 summit.

Furthermore, the data that these three Western countries would have published on their nuclear forces have not been verified by anyone and have a purely declarative character and declare - anything is possible. In nuclear matters, Russia acts responsibly by displaying all possible transparency within the limits determined by considerations of political and military expediency."

And while Biden appears "concerned" about nuclear weapons, US funding for nuclear weapons is soaring. This was declared by an ICAN report "Wasted: 2022 Global Nuclear Weapons Spending", where it says that "In 2022, nine countries spent 82.9 billion dollars on nuclear weapons (more than 157,000 dollars per minute, with an overall increase of $2.5 billion compared to 2021. In spending $82.9 billion, the private sector earned at least $29 billion in 2022. The United States spent more than all other nuclear-weapon states combined : $43.7 billion Russia spent 22% of what the US spent, $9.6 billion and China spent just over a quarter of the total US $11.7 billion .

In short, the hypocrisy of the United States reaches maximum heights. They are preparing nuclear blackmail in case Ukraine loses and they cannot afford that. Their face is at stake, but who in the world thinks about the survival of human beings on Earth? Certainly not them who are pushing the world right into this abyss. But in Europe they do not seem to care about this escalation of atomic weapons, indeed they have agreed to host these new weapons within their own countries, including Italy, in the silence of Italian politicians and the mainstream media. Italians have no right to know that they are sitting on top of a lot of nuclear warheads. Evidently they too can be sacrificed in this mad war of the Americans against Russia.

Therefore, in silence and with religious obedience, everything is accepted by the bloodthirsty Hegemon, while Russia, which has given Belarus tactical nuclear weapons, which it wants to protect itself from serious and real danger – has done a wrong action, to be condemned . Putin said that Russia deployed the weapons at the request of Belarus and did so as the United States has long done on the territory of its allies. Moscow has already delivered the Iskander missile system, which can be a nuclear weapon carrier, to Minsk and helped re-equip Belarusian aircraft so that they have the capability to use special munitions.