HAMAS: We are sure that the Palestinian nation will win the war against the Zionist invaders

A high-level leader of the Palestinian Islamic Struggle Movement, Hamas, has announced that the movement is confident of defeating the Zionist regime in the ongoing war in Gaza.

Nov 5, 2023 - 08:36
HAMAS: We are sure that the Palestinian nation will win the war against the Zionist invaders
HAMAS: We are sure that the Palestinian nation will win the war against the Zionist invaders

Al Jazeera TV has quoted Osama Hamdan, one of the top leaders of the HAMAS movement, as saying that he is confident of defeating the Zionist regime in the battle of #Turricane_of_al-Aqsa. He said: The invaders have not been able to achieve even one military objective. What they are doing is attacking civilian areas and killing innocent people. Hundreds of Israeli soldiers have been killed and wounded. Even though the Israeli leaders filter the information a lot and hide the actual number of their soldiers who are destroyed and injured, but the number is so large that it becomes difficult to hide everything. HAMAS commandos In another part of his speech, Osama Hamdan said: "The world is witnessing the great crimes of the Zionist regime that is occupying Baytul Muqaddas, but it is not doing anything. The Palestinians will never believe that peace will be achieved without the destruction of the regime that is occupying Quds Tukukfu." In the same way he said: The ruling regime of Quds has already attacked 105 health and medical centers and completely eliminated 5 hospitals in the process of providing services. Hospitals in the Gaza Strip are unable to receive the large number of injured people. We blame the United States and its president for being directly involved in the criminal killing of the citizens of Gaza. He added by saying: "The aid that enters Gaza through the Rafah crossing does not even meet the minimum needs of our people. The official positions of the Arab countries are weak and do not match the crimes committed by the enemy. We want the United States to be put under more pressure to stop crimes and crimes against the nation ours."