How Does Israeli Morality Educate Rapists?

Israelis believe that in a “permanent war” for survival, any action, however inhumane, is justified.

Aug 21, 2024 - 14:24
How Does Israeli Morality Educate Rapists?

Analyzing the moral and psychological aspects of the horrific events of the rape of Palestinians, you can reveal the ideological dimensions as well as the educational system of Zionism. Therefore, its exploration becomes very important. In this note from Parstoday magazine, an attempt has been made to glimpse some of it :


In recent weeks, the publication of images of the gang rape of Palestinian prisoners by guards at the Sde Teiman Detention Center in the Negev Desert has sparked an international backlash. Despite the shocking nature of the incident, some in Israeli society have defended this inhumane behavior. Following the arrest of ten reservists involved in the rape of Palestinian prisoners in the released video, a wave of protests emerged from right-wing groups, including several government ministers, in support of the men.


Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel's minister of internal security, said on this matter:


Gang rape for safety reasons is allowed.


In addition, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, instead of expressing his concern over the rape incident, was angry over the release of the video and demanded an investigation and punishment for the perpetrators of the video's release.


These incidents are not unique to a few extremists outside the mainstream of Israeli society; rather, they point to a broader problem in the Israeli moral system. Over the past decades, the Israeli regime has systematically shown Palestinians to be devoid of human values ​​and to have lower moral standards than Israelis. This process seeks to dehumanize Palestinians in the media and reduce them to biological beings.


In other words, the Palestinian people are seen as "animals in human form," as anti-colonial philosopher Frantz Fanon described the process of colonization.


In this way, Palestinians are seen as morally weak and worthless, and as a result, violence and aggression against them is not only considered immoral, but in some cases justified as moral. In this way, the Israeli soldiers who carry out this aggression do not feel guilty because of their belief in the moral superiority and inhumanity of the other party, and they even have the support of a large segment of Israeli society.


In this way, the Israeli regime’s value system, which emphasizes the “moral superiority” of its soldiers, is designed to justify violence against Palestinians. In contrast, the Israeli regime’s mainstream media routinely portrays the actions of the Israeli army, such as the order to evacuate Palestinians from war zones, as evidence of the Israeli army’s morality, when in reality these citizens are confined to smaller, less secure areas and ultimately targeted there.


Israelis believe that in a “permanent war” for survival, any measure is justified.


Additionally, and from a Western racist perspective, the belief that the Israeli regime must fight as a representative of Western civilization against Middle Eastern barbarism provides another justification for Israeli violence against Palestinians.


Ultimately, the result of this flawed Jewish-Zionist value system is simply the moral decline of today’s society; a decline that can lead to the justification of such horrific acts as gang rape. Replicating it in warfare also threatens different societies. Nothing is more dangerous than a moral collapse armed with a strong belief in one’s racial superiority. (MF)