More than 26,000 Palestinians have been martyred since Israel began the genocide in Gaza

The number of Palestinian deaths due to the genocidal war waged by the brutal Israeli army in Gaza since October 7 has increased to 26,083.

Jan 27, 2024 - 05:47
More than 26,000 Palestinians have been martyred since Israel began the genocide in Gaza
More than 26,000 Palestinians have been martyred since Israel began the genocide in Gaza

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip has announced that the number of martyrs in Gaza since the beginning of the war has reached 25,900 and the number of injured has reached 64,110. Palestinian circles have also announced that another journalist has been killed as a witness in an attack by the Zionist regime in the residential areas of the Gaza Strip, making the number of journalist witnesses reach 113 people. Reports state that most of those killed in the US-backed war against Gaza are women, children and innocent civilians. In addition, thousands more are unknown and are believed to have died under the rubble. Likewise, reports say that Israel's attacks have caused Gaza to become an area full of ruins, with 60% of the area's infrastructure destroyed and nearly 2 million residents forced to evacuate their homes amid a severe shortage of food, clean water and medicine. At the same time, the United Nations Organization for Palestinian Refugees, UNRWA, has warned that 40 percent of the residents of Gaza are at risk of starvation as the oppressive Israeli regime prevents the entry of emergency aid trucks into the area. This comes at a time when the Media Department of the government of the Gaza Strip has accused the Zionist regime of Israel of stealing the organs of the bodies of Palestinians who are killed in the attacks of the regime from the north of the Gaza Strip, and has called for the creation of an independent investigation committee of the international community to monitor the issue.