Hamas welcomes Security Council resolution on ceasefire in Gaza Strip

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) at a meeting of the UN Security Council welcomed the US-proposed resolution to establish a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and release captives (hostages).

Jun 11, 2024 - 14:42
Hamas welcomes Security Council resolution on ceasefire in Gaza Strip

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) at a meeting of the UN Security Council welcomed the US-proposed resolution to establish a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and release captives (hostages).

The US-proposed draft resolution to establish a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and release prisoners was approved on Monday evening by 14 votes in favor with one abstention (Russia) and without any objections at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Monday, June 10, 2024.
According to AP News, the seven-point Security Council Resolution No. 2735 states that the US-proposed resolution is reminiscent of all relevant resolutions related to resolving the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue, and emphasizes the importance of continued diplomatic efforts by Egypt, Qatar and the US with with the goal of reaching a comprehensive ceasefire agreement in three stages.
The first stage of this resolution must include an immediate ceasefire, accompanied by the release of hostages, the return of the bodies of dead hostages, the exchange of Palestinian prisoners, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from populated areas of the Gaza Strip, the return of Palestinian civilians to their homes, and the safe and effective distribution of large-scale humanitarian aid across the entire Gaza Strip.
Also in the second stage of this resolution, with the consent of the parties, a final cessation of hostilities is provided in exchange for the release of all prisoners and hostages still in the Gaza Strip and the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from the region.
Initiating a massive multi-year reconstruction plan for the Gaza Strip and returning the bodies of any dead hostages still in the area is the third step in a US proposed draft resolution to the UN Security Council.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) announced on Monday that Hamas welcomes what was approved in the Security Council resolution regarding a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, a complete withdrawal of troops from the Gaza Strip, the exchange of prisoners, the return of displaced persons to their homes , disagreement with the reduction of territory and the provision of necessary assistance to the residents of the Gaza Strip.
On May 31, 2024, on the eve of the November 5 elections, US President Joe Biden said that Israel had presented a new proposal for a ceasefire and prisoner exchange, which was conveyed to Hamas through Qatar, and asked the parties not to miss this opportunity to reach an agreement.
The Democratic President of the United States, who is under pressure from international organizations and world public opinion inside and outside the United States because of his support for Israel in the current war in the Gaza Strip, with this proposal attempts to relieve some of the growing pressure from public opinion in the world, after more than 8 months of Israeli war in the Gaza Strip.
Since October 7, 2023, with the full support of Western countries, the fake Zionist regime has begun a massacre in Rafah, located in the south of the Gaza Strip and on the West Bank of the Jordan River, against the defenseless and oppressed people of Palestine, as well as the silence of the international community and human rights institutions regarding the crimes of the occupation regime Israel has led to the continued murder of Palestinian women and children by the military machine of the illegitimate Zionist regime.




At least 37,124 Palestinians were martyred and more than 84,712 injured in the Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Most of the martyrs and wounded were children, women and old people.