How is discrimination against blacks in Europe? / Black Africa is a source of cheap labor for the West
Despite the propaganda of Western countries, people of color, especially black people in European countries, have been fighting against hidden and open discrimination for years.

Africa, which has been completely under European colonial rule for centuries, has yet to overcome the structural, identity and security crises imposed on it by Western colonialism and properly utilize its human resources.
And a large number of Africans go to Western countries in order to find work and livelihood and being lured by advertisements of organizations that need labor. However, there is discrimination against Africans in the West, which makes many slogans about human rights.
The results of a recent survey by the EU Human Rights Agency among people of African descent show discrimination against them in all areas, from the labor market to housing and health care.
The 6,752 respondents were from 13 European countries, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. 45% of them were subjected to racial discrimination, which is 6% more than in 2016. from the index, which was 39%.
According to reports, a large number of black immigrants in European countries are heavily monitored by the police, and many are beaten again by the police without the crime being proven. They also rank lower in the labor market and in social relations. And many of these people do not receive material rights corresponding to their working position.
According to these reports, Europeans forbid their children to marry people of color, especially blacks. According to the results of a survey conducted in France, 46% of French people stated that they are against marriage with black people of North African origin.
British black writer Rennie Eddo Lodge says: "Many whites seem to deny the existence of a hidden apartheid system and even oppose it. But because of systemic apartheid in the West, they even sometimes instinctively separate themselves from black-black citizens."
Professor Ahmad Hankar wrote on X social network: "According to the mental health law in Great Britain, black people are 4 times more likely to be arrested. I find it impossible that racism does not contribute to these alarming statistics."
Half of the black population in Germany has been targeted by racists, and more black men (54.8%) than women have experienced this.
Defender of civil rights and German politician wrote on X social network: "Is blackness dangerous in Germany?" That's just racism. According to the study, black people in Germany are more likely to experience racism than in other EU countries. They are subjected to racist treatment every day."
These facts prove that despite all the slogans, people of color, women and religious minorities are oppressed in the West. In their propaganda statements, these countries emphasize human rights, but in practice they are not so loyal to this principle. This principle is also ignored by the human rights organizations. And the process of bringing in cheap labor from Africa and war-torn countries continues to take its toll.