HRW: Armed groups carry out massacres in Burkina Faso

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said that armed groups linked to the terrorist network of al-Qaida and the takfiri group Daesh (ISIS) have increased attacks against civilians in Burkina Faso.

Sep 18, 2024 - 14:26
HRW: Armed groups carry out massacres in Burkina Faso

The report released today by the Human Right Watch organization has made it clear about the killing of at least 128 civilians in seven attacks carried out by armed groups in Burkina Faso since February this year. HRW has said that the killing of civilians is against international humanitarian law and is a war crime. 

The report of the Human Right Watch organization has stated that the armed groups have been mass killing villagers and forcing many citizens to become refugees.

Burkina Faso, which is led by the military government of Ibrahim Traore, has been troubled by armed militant groups such as the al-Qaida terrorist network and the JNIM militant group since they moved to the country in 2016 from the neighboring country of Mali. 

Ibrahim Traore, the military ruler of Burkina Faso 

The military leader of Burkina Faso has called on the people to take responsibility to deal with the armed groups.

The HRW organization has said that the militant group JNIM has been involved in six attacks, including an attack in June in an army camp near Niger where 107 soldiers and at least 20 civilians were killed.