Imam Khamenei: The movement of those defending the shrine is defending the ideals of humanity

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, during the meeting with the members of the International Resistance Martyrs and Shrine Defenders (defenders of the security of Western Asia and the shrines of the Prophet of Islam, Ahl al-Bayt -s-), described the shrine defenders as an important phenomenon and one of the manifestations of the worldview of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Jun 29, 2024 - 13:18
Imam Khamenei: The movement of those defending the shrine is defending the ideals of humanity

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, during the meeting with the members of the International Resistance Martyrs and Shrine Defenders (defenders of the security of Western Asia and the shrines of the Prophet of Islam, Ahl al-Bayt -s-), described the shrine defenders as an important phenomenon and one of the manifestations of the worldview of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, continued his statement by saying: The presence of young people from different nations as defenders of the shrine showed that the Islamic revolution has the power to recreate the same passion and epic after 40 years.

Imam Khamenei commemorated all the martyrs who defended the shrine (defenders of the security of Western Asia and the shrines of the Prophet of Islam, Ahl al-Bayt -s-) and the resistance front, especially General Martyr Soleimani, noting that defending the Holy Shrine is a symbolic aspect of defending the thoughts and ideals of the owner of the Shrine, saying: The lofty ideals of the Ahl al-Bayt -s- school, such as justice, freedom, struggle against the oppressor and sacrifice in the path of truth, are always demanded by pure consciences.

According to The Leader of the Islamic Revolution cited the American university students' movement to defend the people of Gaza as an example of the existence of pure consciences in the world and said:

It is important that the message of defending this shrine, which actually defends the ideals of humanity, reaches the ears of people with a clear conscience around the world.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution noted that one of the dimensions of the defense of the Tomb was the worldview of the Islamic Revolution and said: Any movement and revolution that neglects its international and regional environment will definitely suffer. As a matter of fact, the movement of the Iranian people regarding the Constitutional Monarchy and the nationalization of the oil industry was damaged and did not reach its goal because they were busy with internal issues and were heedless of foreign interventionists.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution continued his statement as follows:

Imam Khomeini (ra) was always aware of the interference of foreigners, taking into account regional and world views and not being involved in internal affairs, since the beginning of the Islamic Movement and the victory of the Islamic Revolution, and he made the necessary warnings on this issue in his statements.

Imam Khamenei evaluated the presence of the mujahideen (defenders of the security of Western Asia and the shrine of the Prophet's household -s-) defending the shrine in countries where the enemy has planned a very dangerous plan as a manifestation of the worldview of the Islamic Revolution, saying:

The enemy had planned to destroy the Islamic system by occupying the region and at the same time applying economic and political pressures as well as "ideological and religious" pressures on Iran, but a group of young believers based in the Islamic Republic of Iran defeated the Istiqbar's costly plan.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution continued his statement as follows: From such a perspective, it should be said that the action of those defending the tomb saved Iran and the region.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution touched upon the violent, cruel and inhuman structure of the ISIS organization and its affiliated groups, which were formed with the weapons and propaganda support of America and the West, and said the following:

The aim of these organizations was to make the region, and especially Iran, unsafe, but the defenders of the shrine neutralized this great danger.

Imam Khamenei evaluated the demonstration of the power of the Islamic Revolution to recreate the enthusiasm and epic of the beginning of the victory as another dimension of the movement of those defending the shrine and added:

The presence of young people who have not seen the sacred period of defense to defend the Imam and the shrine demonstrates the formidable power of the Islamic revolution in recreating the same religious and revolutionary motivations as forty years ago.

Referring to the expectations and analyzes of some people with Western foundations regarding the weakening of the Islamic revolution, its thoughts and ideals, Imam Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, emphasized the following:

The purity, bravery, sacrifice, sincerity and "deep belief in religious foundations" of the young people defending the tomb are a wonderful and unique phenomenon that shows the mistake of the Westerners' analyzes and this issue could not have been shaped without the grace of Allah Almighty.

Noting that the Islamic Revolution Hijri Shamsi 22 Bahman marches or the magnificent funeral ceremonies held for the martyrs of Martyr General Soleimani or Gizmet are manifestations of the self-renewing power of the Islamic Revolution, he said: The martyrs defending the Tomb and their families are the means of honor, glory, salvation and happiness of Islamic Iran and Islam The revolution is certainly indebted to these martyrs and their families.