In France, aid to food banks has decreased

According to the France Info news channel, the amount of aid to food banks to provide food to the homeless and poor in France has decreased due to economic problems and inflation in this country.

Nov 27, 2023 - 13:57
In France, aid to food banks has decreased
In France, aid to food banks has decreased

According to this report, the number of clients of food banks in France increased by 9% in 2023. While the inflation rate in France is increasing, the polling institute "Ifop" and the French non-profit association "Secours populaire" recently reflected on the effects of the sharp increase in prices in France in their 17th general report on "poverty and instability". and warned that the severity of poverty in this country is increasingly worrying. Faced with this insecurity and growing poverty among the population, food aid associations are raising the alarm about their resources.