Increasing international support for South Africa's charges against Israel
South Africa, being one of the member states of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, submitted an indictment against Israel to the International Court of Justice on December 29, 2023.

Belgium also supports South Africa's complaint against the Zionist regime in the International Court of Justice due to the genocide in Gaza. Speaking about the hearing of South Africa's case at the International Court of Justice regarding the case of Israel's genocide in Gaza, Caroline Genz, Minister of Construction and Development of Belgium, wrote on the social network X that: "If the Court of The International Court of Justice will issue a judgment against Israel in this case, Belgium will fully follow that decision and will support it ." According to South African lawyers, the Zionist regime has violated its obligations regarding the international agreement on "Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" or "Genocide Convention" for short. In South Africa's 84-page complaint against Tel Aviv, it is stated that the Zionist regime's war in Gaza violates the requirements and obligations of the 1948 Genocide Convention . This Convention defines genocide as an act aimed at total or partial destruction on a national, racial, ethnic or religious scale. South Africa, like other countries of the world, considers the actions of the Zionist regime in Gaza to be genocide because the actions of the invading regime aim to destroy a large part of the population of the Gaza Strip . A team of South African lawyers attending one of the sessions of the ICJ Court to present a case against Israel In the complaint against the Zionist regime in The Hague court, the South African legal team has also emphasized that Israel has increased its crimes against the Palestinians since 1948 and put them in front of the apartheid regime. South African lawyers stressed that the international community is also unable to prevent the current genocide in Gaza . On January 11, the International Court of Justice with headquarters in The Hague, the Netherlands, held its first session to hear and collect the legal views of South Africa and the Zionist regime regarding the case of genocide in the Gaza Strip . In addition to the genocide case, South Africa has also submitted a request to the International Court of Justice to consider temporary measures or to prevent the repetition of the crime. The country has asked the court to issue an order to force Israel to stop all its military actions in Gaza. This is an emergency case that the court will deal with first . Meanwhile, it is expected that the court will hasten to deal with South Africa's complaint against the Zionist regime and give a decision in this regard. A member of the South African legal team at the International Court of Justice predicted that the final judgment of this court regarding the complaint filed by South Africa against the Zionist regime in this court and accusing it of committing crimes and genocide in the Gaza Strip, a decision his will be released this week . South Africa's charges against Israel in the International Court of Justice have prepared the ground for other countries to sue the administration in international courts, including the International Criminal Court (ICC), considering the large and unprecedented crimes committed by Israel against innocent Palestinians. in the Gaza Strip. Especially considering that more than 24,000 Palestinians have been martyred and about 70,000 others have been injured, most of them women and children following brutal attacks by Zionist soldiers in the area . Demonstration in support of Palestine Increasing support for Palestine and the isolation of Israel at the international level and now the prospect of condemnation in the International Court of Justice has caused Tel Aviv's western partners to seek its political and judicial support . Among them is the United States, which, as a strategic partner of Israel, has strongly supported Tel Aviv in relation to the South African issue, and John Kirby, the spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House, has called the case "without value" and " without any basis and evidence ". The truth is that the process of isolation and growing hatred against the Zionist regime is not only that, this is seen between the people of different countries of the world but also between different governments and administrations .