Is Ben Gvir's behavior indicative of the collapse of Israel's administrative structure?

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir these days is not only one of the cabinet ministers of this regime, but also goes everywhere and interferes in all affairs.

Jun 18, 2024 - 12:57
Is Ben Gvir's behavior indicative of the collapse of Israel's administrative structure?

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir these days is not only one of the cabinet ministers of this regime, but also goes everywhere and interferes in all affairs. Ben-Gvir is the one who, in the first days of his work, together with a group of Zionists and with military support, attacked Al-Aqsa Mosque in a provocative action.

According to AP, the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" wrote in an article: "Ben-Gvir is in charge of the police, he has changed its executive policy, he is cruel to the Arabs and careless to the Jews who go to the Temple Mount," Haaretz newspaper reporter Gosh Briner said in this article. - The minister gives orders to the police, interferes with the appointments, promotes controversial officers. He terrorizes the opposition and has injected his political doctrine into the police. The article states that even the security establishment is now upset that Ben Gvir is much more involved than the minister.

After the recent arrest of anti-government protesters in Tel Aviv on Ben Gvir's order, a high-ranking Israeli police security source said: "The minister terrified all the commanders of the police army. Ben Gvir has been taken over by the police.'' during that incident, 33 men and women were arrested without reason, and a large number of protesters were dispersed as a result of police violence.

On the other hand, the Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli Armed Forces stated that the Israeli army needs 15 more battalions to fulfill its duties in the war. The Israeli army is trying to find a temporary solution to this problem by creating battalions of reserve forces. Nine months into the war in Gaza, the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has spent more than 40 billion shekels, which is more than 10 billion 741 million dollars.