Italy sends an air defense system to Ukraine

Jun 4, 2024 - 09:21
Italy sends an air defense system to Ukraine

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani announced that Rome will send a SAMP/T air defense system to Ukraine.

According to the Reuters news agency, the SAMP/T system, also known as "Mamba", is a joint production of Italy and France, which can simultaneously hit dozens of targets and perceive 10 missiles at the same time.

France and Italy delivered the first SAMP/T system to Ukraine in 2023. But in recent months, Kiev has again asked to receive air defense systems.

Italy has provided eight aid packages to Ukraine since the start of Russia's attack on Ukraine in February 2022.

Tajani said that the ninth package is also under preparation and "Mamba" is part of it. He did not mention the time of its presentation.

The Italian government has not yet released details of any of its aid packages for Ukraine.

"Italy is likely to send to Ukraine a SAMP/T system, currently deployed in Kuwait," a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The Corriere della Sera newspaper reported on Monday that Rome's government is expected to give the green light to sending a new aid package to Ukraine after next week's G7 leaders' meeting hosted by Italy.

G7 foreign ministers in April pledged to provide Ukraine with more air defense systems.