Jihadul-Islami Expresses Doubts Over Biden's Gaza Peace Plan

The Muqawama movement of Jihadul-Islami of Palestine has said that it views with an eye of doubt the plan announced by the President of the United States for ending the war in Gaza.

Jun 2, 2024 - 13:37
Jihadul-Islami Expresses Doubts Over Biden's Gaza Peace Plan

In a recent statement, Jihadul-Islami, a key Palestinian resistance movement, has voiced skepticism regarding U.S. President Joe Biden's newly proposed plan to end the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The statement from Jihadul-Islami underscores the movement's doubts about the sincerity and intentions behind the American president's proposal, highlighting a perception that the U.S. government has not shifted its longstanding support for Israel. "We view the American president's proposal with a skeptical eye," the statement reads, asserting that the U.S. continues to favor the Zionist regime, concealing its crimes and participating in its aggression.

The resistance movement's declaration emphasized its cautious approach to any peace initiative. "We will evaluate any proposal in a manner that ensures the cessation of the genocidal war against our people, protects their interests and rights, and meets the demands of the Muqawama," the statement added, reflecting the group's commitment to protecting Palestinian rights and achieving their strategic objectives.

Jihadul-Islami is currently reviewing President Biden's proposal to formulate a national position that guarantees the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip. The movement reiterated its aim to halt the invasion and secure a sustainable peace that aligns with the interests of the Palestinian people.

This critical stance highlights the challenges ahead for the Biden administration in brokering a peace deal that is acceptable to all parties involved in the conflict.