Leader of the Islamic Revolution: Parliament should bring stability and hope

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in his message for the inauguration of the 12th Phase of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Parliament), has emphasized the existence of a balanced Parliament, disciplined interaction and solidarity with other pillars of the state and also within it should be with precision and patience.

May 27, 2024 - 12:06
Leader of the Islamic Revolution: Parliament should bring stability and hope

In addition, he emphasized that the parliament should always bring hope and encourage efforts for harmony and brotherhood in the public environment of the country.

According to the Office of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in his message on Monday morning for the opening of the 12th Phase of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, said that attracting the hearts of the people and doing good are things that will be and reward from Allah. He added that: Participation of millions of citizens in the funeral of the martyr President Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi and his fellow martyrs is an example of this payment from Allah.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that: "Right now the 12th phase of the Islamic Consultative Assembly begins as usual on the scheduled date and without delay, I bow down to the beloved and wise Allah and give thanks for the continuation and strengthening of religious democracy, which is a gift great for the nation of Iran."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has emphasized that, every new parliament can create a new light in the bright horizon of the country and increase the hope and enthusiasm of the nation by using its authority in the law. He has said that the parliament will be able to combine modernity and innovation, maturity and focus and set laws and implement management duties away from turmoil and conflicts.

The leader of the Islamic Revolution has added that, the point I always emphasize is that the Parliament should be calm, bring hope, enthusiasm and welcome a sense of brotherhood in the public environment of the country. In the parliament itself, pointless contests in the media and politically harmful debates should not occupy the short available working time; otherwise, the power and value of the presence of representatives in this high position will be lost and this is a great loss.

Ayatollah Khamenei has said, another point about the oath of parliamentarians is that this oath is not just a show or bureaucracy; It is a true and responsible oath that will be responsible in this world and the next. Honorable representatives must keep this oath in front of their eyes throughout their representation and consider it as a criterion for measuring their performance.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has stressed that another point is related to the necessary and moral issues, the Islamic way of life which is an important part of good morals which is very important in the field of political challenges and legitimate competitions. It is here that piety and forgiveness, justice, honesty, responsibility and selfless work show their greatest value. The helicopter witnesses - (witnesses Seyed Ebrahim Raisi and the team that accompanied him), who are now mourned by the whole country - one of their characteristics was to focus on good morals. Self-care in this field should be taken seriously.

Ayatollah Khamenei has said, the last point is to remember the fact that every member of parliament represents the entire nation of Iran. This means that the main task of the representative is to focus on the national interest. Parliamentary monitoring of regional issues should be done in the framework of a general view of the country's issues and the approval of development plans in a correct way and beyond the budget's capacity should be avoided.

The opening ceremony of the twelfth term of the Parliament of Iran, has started this Monday morning in the public hall of the Majlis attended by elected representatives and national and military officials.