Libertarian Party Nominates Chase Oliver for President, Rejecting Trump and Kennedy

May 27, 2024 - 06:53
Libertarian Party Nominates Chase Oliver for President, Rejecting Trump and Kennedy

The Libertarian Party nominated Chase Oliver for president on Sunday, May 26, 2024, during their national convention, decisively rejecting bids from former President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Oliver, an activist from Atlanta, celebrated the nomination on X, formerly known as Twitter, urging party unity and a forward movement towards liberty. Despite the historical challenge third parties face in U.S. presidential elections, where the Libertarian candidate garnered only 1% of the vote in 2020, this year's nomination draws significant attention due to the contentious rematch between Trump and Democratic President Joe Biden. This attention is particularly relevant in battleground states where small vote margins could play a crucial role.

Trump's appearance at the convention on Saturday was met with a chorus of boos, signaling the party's clear stance against his request for endorsement. In contrast, Kennedy, who spoke on Friday, received a warmer reception by criticizing both Trump and Biden's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kennedy's potential endorsement could have been strategically beneficial, aiding his efforts to secure ballot access in all 50 states, a significant barrier he faces for qualifying for the first presidential debate in June. The Libertarian Party, known for its emphasis on small government and individual freedoms, now rallies behind Oliver, whose platform includes substantial federal budget cuts, abolishing the death penalty, and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine.