Losses of Zionist soldiers in the Gaza war are at record levels

The Zionist regime admitted that its military losses in the Gaza war were greater than in any other war, announcing that more than 600 Zionist soldiers had been killed by resistance forces since October 7, 2023.

May 21, 2024 - 14:02
Losses of Zionist soldiers in the Gaza war are at record levels

The Zionist regime admitted that its military losses in the Gaza war were greater than in any other war, announcing that more than 600 Zionist soldiers had been killed by resistance forces since October 7, 2023.

Even though 7.5 months have passed since the Israeli Gaza war, the Zionist regime has failed to subdue the resistance forces and evacuate their prisoners in this narrow region that has been under siege for years./

Deputy Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement said that the calculations of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime regarding the attack on the Gaza Strip are doomed to failure.

According to the news of the "Palestine El Yom" TV channel, Deputy Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement "Muhammad El Hindi", referring to the spread of internal protests against the cabinet of the Zionist regime, said, "The resistance in the field is in a superior position and has inflicted heavy losses on the army of the occupying regime." He made a statement.

Deputy Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement rejected the proposed plans for external administration of the Gaza Strip after the end of the war, emphasizing: "After the end of the Zionist regime's aggression in the region, the fate of the Gaza Strip will be determined by the Palestinians."

Palestine's Ambassador to Syria Samir El Rafai emphasized the Palestinian people's insistence on their rights and said that the Palestinian people will not give up their inalienable rights.

Al Rifai added that 76 years after the occupation of Palestine, the hope of the Palestinians is not lost and the victory belongs to the Palestinian nation.

At the same time, the Israeli newspaper "Ma'ariv" wrote in a report quoting "Gadi Shamni", the former commander of the Zionist Army's Gaza Barikeh Division:

"This regime's army will not be able to achieve its goals in the Gaza Strip, and Tel Aviv's position in the region has been eroded after the Aqsa Flood operation."

This senior Zionist commander added that the most dangerous issue is the erosion of the position of Israel, which until October 7 was a regional power.

The Zionist regime has launched a massive massacre against the defenseless and oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank with the full support of Western countries since October 7, 2023, the silence of the international community and human rights, the establishment of institutions against Israel's crimes, and the continuing killing of women and children. caused it to happen.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of Palestinians martyred in the Gaza Strip since the start of the Israeli regime's attacks on the residents of the region has reached 35 thousand 386 people, and the number of injured has reached 79 thousand 366 people.