Macron destroys France to save himself

Mar 29, 2023 - 15:43
Macron destroys France to save himself

Paris deserves a mass. But a pension reform may not necessarily be worth it.

Macron tried to distract the French with his guaranteed support for the madman from Kiev, but it wasn't enough. First because the transalpines could, as tradition dictates, realign themselves and reassemble themselves for a "French war". But this war in Ukraine is that of Biden and his puppeteers. And poor Macron is just another European butler. The French cannot forgive him for such a loss of style.

In particular because he was accompanied by the progressive reduction of the role of Paris in Africa. First for the Chinese economic influence, then for the Russian military role through Wagner, and finally for the American attempt to recover some positions.

The transalpine president therefore had to deal with internal issues. And it was a disaster. The raising of the retirement age has been accompanied by the international support of those who - even in Italy - insist on coming to terms with a reality that is that of the past. There are few young people and therefore they can no longer pay the pensions of too many elderly people. The problem is not in the number of young people, but in the jobs available. And what jobs are available?

Robotization eliminates the working class. And AI will soon wipe out much of the white-collar class. The tasks entrusted to humans will be drastically reduced. And those performed by machines will skyrocket. But the answer of a retrospective policy is always the same: let's raise the retirement age to avoid paying the monthly payments to a growing number of elderly people. Instead of investing in the future, we prefer to save in the present. Instead of trying to imagine possible professions, we continue to force seniors to stick to their old jobs to prevent employers from renewing themselves.

No plans for the new generations. Because the Italian solution, more precariousness and less pay, is shit. Accompanied by new waves of migrants in order to have a mass of desperate people to exploit, given that young Italians no longer want to be exploited without hope of building a dignified future.

Ideas are needed, but the French president prefers tear gas and batons. What if French doctors emigrated, just like the Italians, in search of better working conditions and higher wages? However, France can also increase immigration. And since, in any case, Italy is more reluctant to pay young people and immigrants, highly qualified and educated foreigners will continue to prefer France while the boot will welcome all the desperate people of the world. In any case short-sighted policies, which will not save France and certainly not Italy. The French understood this and took to the streets. The Italians preferred to follow the story of Fedez. (counterinformation)