Mau Mau fighters in Kenya want compensation for the atrocities they suffered by the British colonialist
Kenya's freedom fighters, Mau Mau, have announced that they want 364 trillion Kenyan shillings (about 2.2 trillion dollars) as compensation from Britain due to the brutality and inhumanity they suffered during the colonial period.

The Mau Mau movement, led the struggle against the British colonialists and was brutally suppressed by the military officers of the colonial administration in that East African country. The terrible events faced by the Mau Mau fighters include being tortured, imprisoned and killed when they bravely stood up against the oppressive colonial rule . Following the fierce struggle of Mau Ma, the British colonialists were forced to give Kenya independence. Joseph Ngacha Karani, chairman of the Mau Mau Original Trust, leads hundreds of surviving veterans who faced the brutality of the British colonialists . Speaking to the Anadolu news agency, he said that the demand for compensation is to recognize the rights of Mau Mau veterans who endured pain and sacrifice in their efforts to fight for the freedom of Kenya . He added that: " Our demand for compensation is not only a request for the restoration of the economy, it is a great cry for recognition and fair treatment of the Mau Mau veterans who sacrificed themselves in the movement to get the independence of Kenya." The clerk has said that the request also aims to correct past mistakes and ensure justice and fairness. . The British government has apologized and offered small compensations in the past. But for the veterans of Mau Mau, the British action is very poor compared to the depth of the crimes committed . The freedom fighters say that the payment of compensation is urgent due to the aging of many Mau Mau veterans who, in their last years, are looking for a solution not only for themselves, but also with the intention of reducing the burdens faced by their families.