Moscow: 54 Countries Help Kiev in Ukraine War

Jan 6, 2024 - 16:05
Moscow: 54 Countries Help Kiev in Ukraine War
Moscow: 54 Countries Help Kiev in Ukraine War

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced by publishing a report that 54 countries supporting Ukraine have sent more than 203 billion dollars in aid to Volodymyr Zelensky's government. The Russian Defense Ministry wrote in a message via Telegram,  More than 500 United States and NATO satellites are working for Kiev's needs. Among these contributions, we can mention 70 military surveillance satellites, while the rest are commercial satellites with dual-purpose capabilities. According to Russian Defense Ministry statistics, Ukrainian forces rely on more than 20,000 Starlink satellite communications terminals. The Russian Defense Ministry emphasized that other countries have sent more than 1,600 units of missile and artillery equipment, more than 200 air defense systems, around 5,220 tanks and armored vehicles, as well as more than 23,000 drones to Kiev. On the other hand, Ukrainian media published a list of new arms aid from the German federal government to Ukraine in January, which included equipment and ammunition such as air and missile defense systems, armored personnel carriers, trucks, radars and other military equipment. According to Ukrainian media, in 2023, Berlin sent arms aid worth around 5.4 billion euros to Ukraine and promised to increase the value of its arms aid to the country to 10.5 billion euros by 2024. European Union Imposes New Sanctions on Russia The war between Russia and Ukraine continues with the support of 54 countries from Kiev, led by the United States, and the number of dead and wounded on both sides is increasing every day. Peace and ceasefire proposals by Russia and other countries received a cold response from Ukraine.