Netanyahu's strategic goals through the genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

The fake and racist Israeli regime is preparing for the next phase of the war against the Gaza Strip.

Sep 13, 2024 - 14:03
Netanyahu's strategic goals through the genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
In his analysis of the events taking place on the battlefield in Gaza, Aluf Benn, the editor of the Haaretz newspaper, wrote: "Israel is entering the second phase of the war against Gaza and will try to complete its control of the area north of Gaza to the Gaza Strip. Netzarim. The Netzarim axis has been established by the Israeli army in the middle of the Gaza Strip and connects the north and the south of the strip".
Benn continues to explain that the area is being prepared step by step for the construction of illegal settler neighborhoods and annexation to Israel, depending on the level of international opposition.

The newspaper Haaretz makes these claims while the American leaders are always talking about reaching a ceasefire agreement. On the other hand, Netanyahu and the racist Zionist ministers in his government are talking about continuing the war against Gaza. The truth is that the talks taking place in Cairo and Doha are just a waste of time for Netanyahu and to reduce international pressure against the Zionists and their strategic partner, the United States.

The main goal of the Zionists is to expel all the residents of Gaza by continuing to kill and starve the more than two million Palestinians who live in the area. Major General Giora Eiland, the former head of the operation department of the Israeli army, said: "Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, dreams of expanding the territory of Israel; and this issue for him will be a complete victory".
The editor of the Haaretz newspaper has continued to write: entering a new phase of the war began with the action of August 28 to appoint Brigadier General Elad Goren as the head of civilian humanitarian measures in the Gaza Strip with the coordination of the Israeli government. According to Haaretz, Brigadier Elad Goren should be recognized as the Governor of Gaza.

Due to the opportunity that the United States and Europe provide to Netanyahu for killing the Palestinians to achieve his goals, the Zionist leader is neither concerned nor worried by the international pressure to ask him to stop the war against Gaza. The reason is that, these pressures are demonstrative and artistic to show concern for the international protests to oppose and condemn the genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

For example, the British government has announced that it has revoked several licenses to sell arms to Tel Aviv; but when you read the news in detail, it becomes clear to you that the action of the London government is only for show and propaganda.

It has been reported that out of 350 licenses to sell arms to the fake Israeli regime, only 50 of them have been cancelled. With his action, the British Prime Minister and the leader of the ruling Labor party, Keir Starmer, wants to show that his policy regarding the Zionist regime is different from that of the Conservative party, while the truth is that there is no difference between the Labor party and the of the Conservatives in British policies in relation to the Middle East. Full and unconditional support for the fake Israeli regime is the centerpiece of British policy in the Middle East.

The United States and other European countries are not ready, even in the face of demonstration and propaganda, to limit or stop the export of weapons that provide the Zionist regime and impose restrictions on the Zionists. What the United States and European governments have been doing, that is to care and defend human rights, they have lost by helping and supporting the Zionists in the genocide they are doing against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Right now there are two news heard in the world from Europe and the United States about the position shown for the crimes committed by the Zionists in Gaza. The first news is about the weak positions of not taking any action by the European governments in relation to the genocide of the Palestinians. And the second news is about the events happening on the streets and in the universities of Europe and the United States.

In fact, there is no day or week that goes by without witnessing and reporting gatherings and demonstrations, especially by the American and European youth generation, to support the people of Palestine and condemn the crimes of the Zionists. With the resistance shown by the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Zionists will not be able to fulfill their dreams of seizing and occupying the entire Palestinian land.

Let's conclude by saying, the true nature of racism, invasion and occupation of land by the forces of the fake Israeli government is now exposed and more evident before the eyes of the world.