October 7th; anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan

22 years ago, the United States attacked the country of Afghanistan under the pretext of fighting terrorism and restoring peace to the country, which led the Afghans to face many problems and pains. Saturday, October 7, was a day to remember the 2001 US attack against Afghanistan and the crimes committed by that country and its allies in Afghanistan. The United States and its supporters invaded the country under the pretext of fighting terrorism and restoring peace and security in the country. Finally, after 20 years of occupying Afghanistan and committing many horrific crimes as well as destroying the economic and health infrastructure, the American soldiers left the country at the end of August 2021 with great shame and humiliation. The Taliban came to power in Afghanistan in mid-August last year. In the war and the American invasion, approximately two and a half hundred thousand Afghans, including civilians and journalists, were killed.
Zabihullah Mujahid, the Spokesman of the Taliban Government of Afghanistan said on Saturday in his message on the anniversary of the American attack against the country that October 7, has been recorded as a black day in the history of the country, but after the passage of twenty years, the American invasion failed. Zabihullah Mujahid said, this black day proves that no proud country has ever dreamed of invading Afghanistan. Failure of the United States in Afghanistan The twenty-year war of the United States in Afghanistan and which was the longest war outside the United States under the pretext of fighting the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and killing Osama bin Laden, the leader of the group, but Bin Laden He was killed in Abbottabad in Pakistan ten years after the US invasion of Afghanistan. At that time, Hamid Karzai, who was the president at that time in Afghanistan, criticized the US invasion of the country and said: By killing Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, it has been proven that Afghanistan is only a victim of the war that is supposed to be against terrorism. Hamid Karzai said: Thousands of innocent Afghans are victims of terrorism every day and the International Community led by the United States has become aware of this fact after ten years.
At the same time, at the behest of Barack Obama, the former president of the United States, the number of US troops increased to 110,000 in 2011, ten years after the US attack on Afghanistan, which was the highest number of US military presence. in Afghanistan. In that war, about 2,500 American soldiers were killed and more than 20,000 were wounded. The United States spent nearly two and a half trillion dollars in its 20-year war in Afghanistan, which was a heavy burden on the country's citizens to the extent that Mark Milley, the head of the United States Joint Forces, admitted that the country's war in Afghanistan led to failure. his troops in that country. Mark Milley, said in a conversation with ABC News about the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, that the 20-year war in Afghanistan had no success. Alireza Kuhkan, a member of the academic panel of Allameh Tabatabai University, has said in relation to the issue that the great failure of the United States in the 21st century was accomplished following its war of aggression in Afghanistan. It was planned that the Taliban, which was in power in Afghanistan at that time, should be removed by the United States, but after twenty years, Washington handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban with both hands and left the country with great shame.
The 20-year invasion of the United States left irreparable harm and loss to the Afghan people, including unexploded landmines, which to this day continue to claim the lives of innocent Afghans. In relation to the issue, the United Nations Children's Organization (UNICEF) has announced in its report that 85 percent of the victims of the unexploded bombs are children. UNICEF has added in the message that Afghanistan is one of the countries most affected by weapons of war. Poppy cultivation in Afghanistan under the supervision of US soldiers On the other hand, more than three million children in Afghanistan are suffering from malnutrition, 15 million people need emergency food and more than 29 million people need humanitarian aid. According to the report of international organizations, more than 50 percent of the population of Afghanistan do not receive medical services, health or adequate food.