Pashinyan offers Aliyev a new point of the contract

RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan proposes to Azeri President Ilham Aliyev to sign an arms control agreement.

Jan 15, 2024 - 11:13
Pashinyan offers Aliyev a new point of the contract
Pashinyan offers Aliyev a new point of the contract

He announced this at the meeting of the initiative group of the "Civil Agreement" party. "In this case, RA and Azerbaijan will reach specific agreements related to weapons and will have the opportunity to monitor each other to fulfill them," he said. According to him, on the one hand, Azerbaijan says that it wants to strengthen its army, on the other hand, it complains that Armenia buys weapons from France and India. "I mean, what is the logic here? that RA should not have an army? If this is the perception, then Armenia's right to exist is being questioned, which is absolutely unacceptable. any country has the right to have an army. That is why we say: let's sign a peace treaty so that there is no possibility of war. Sometimes, getting acquainted with Azerbaijan's proposals, one gets the impression that an attempt is being made to have a document with which future wars should be legitimized. This is beyond logic," Pashinyan emphasized. Referring to the negotiation process, the RA Prime Minister stated that RA and Azerbaijan speak different diplomatic languages, at least until now. "This should not be denied, because both in RA and Azerbaijan there are and will be forces that are not interested in peace. Here, the positioning of the leaders of the countries and the speech they use is very important. What is important is what is heard from the highest level, it shows how sincere we are in our pursuit of peace. Yes, there will be many complications, but the question is whether we are going the way to solve these complications or not," he said. Pashinyan assured that at least he is going that way, he hopes that the leader of Azerbaijan will also go that way.

RA Prime Minister Pashinyan clearly emphasizes the need for practical steps on the basis of mutually agreed maps regarding the adjustment of territories, borders, as well as issues of enclaves and exclaves with Azerbaijan. Pashinyan spoke about it on January 13 at the meeting of the initiative group of the "Civil Agreement" party in Gegharkunik region. "Azerbaijan raises the issues of four villages, and the Republic of Armenia raises the issues of 32 villages whose vital territories are occupied, including Gegharkunik region. Since we are committed to recognizing each other's territorial integrity on the basis of the Almaty Declaration, we say that there should be no occupied territories between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Therefore, where it turns out that Armenia controls some territories that "de jure" belong to Azerbaijan, Armenia must withdraw, and those territories that "de jure" belong to Armenia and are controlled by Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan must will come out," Pashinyan said. According to his observation, this is the political agreement that has been recorded, but it is practically impossible to implement it without a mutually agreed map. There is one way to adjust the territories: to politically base the maps expressing the provisions of the 1991 Almaty Declaration, go to see the reality on the ground, and match the realities to the maps. "The opposite approach means creating a situation that will constantly lead to escalations, which cannot become a pillar of peace," Pashinyan emphasized. He noted that Artsvashen has been under the occupation of Azerbaijan for 30 years. the political agreement has largely been reached that this issue should be addressed by some model. The same approach should apply here, and mutually agreed maps should be used as a basis for accurately addressing the area and the problem.