Renzi: Politicians and journalists spied on? The government clarifies
Renzi: Politicians and journalists spied on? The government clarifies

The leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, in an interview with "Republic" says that "at stake is the democratic stability of a country, ours" and it doesn't have the tone of one who is using hyperbole: "In that book there is something very clear written that puts the Government and the delegated Authority, Alfredo Mantovano, in front of only two possible paths: to say that it was written a lie, officially denying it.
Or by coming immediately to explain to Copasir what has happened, for how long and what is happening now". Senator Matteo Renzi has just finished reading The powerful in the time of Giorgia, the volume written by the journalist Paolo Madron and Luigi Bisignani for a few hours in the bookstore.
The two write, also referring to an investigation by the Rome prosecutor: 'Before arriving at Palazzo Chigi, it seems they had told Giorgia Meloni that there were forms of telematic control of various characters who revolved around her world. There was talk of over 400 users captured. "They speak of preventive interceptions - explains Renzi - That work, that is, that intelligence can do in the absence of a judicial investigation, but when it is believed that national security is in some way in danger". It is a tool provided for by our Code which, however, allows only in the presence of a prior authorization from the attorney general of the Court of Appeal. Nova News reports it.
The former prime minister seems worried: “What Bisignani writes is very clear. And it is the result of what has been going around for months in certain circles. And that is that there are journalists or politicians intercepted without the constitutional guarantees of an investigation but by the secret services. Let me explain better: given the initial authorization of the Court, we proceed by trawling, without further authorizations, and we get to intercept journalists and politicians ".