Reuters: US has sent thousands of destructive bombs to Israel since the start of the Gaza war

U.S. officials said the United States has sent large quantities of munitions to Gaza since the war began, including more than 10,000 2,000-pound high-explosive bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles.

Jun 29, 2024 - 13:31
Reuters: US has sent thousands of destructive bombs to Israel since the start of the Gaza war

The Reuters news agency, citing US officials familiar with the updated list of arms shipments, reported that Washington, from the start of the war last October until the last days, transported at least 14,000 MK-84 bombs weighing 2,000 pounds, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 3,000 air-to-air missiles, 1,000 anti-missile missiles, 2,600 small-diameter bombs and other munitions for Hellfire precision surface weapons.
While officials did not provide a timeline for the deliveries, the overall numbers do not indicate a significant decline in U.S. military support for its ally, despite international calls to limit arms transfers and the Biden administration's recent decision to halt shipments of high-powered weapons. 
A US official also said the deliveries were "part of a broader list of weapons sent to Israel since the beginning of the war."
A senior Biden administration official told reporters that Washington has sent $6.5 billion worth of weapons to Tel Aviv since October 7.
It comes after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recent weeks accused Washington of failing to provide arms to the regime, something US officials denied, although they acknowledged there were some "differences".
But after talks this week in Washington, the United States and the occupiers were able to resolve some of the problems that have delayed the supply of American weapons.