The UN Security Council wants an independent investigation into mass graves in Gaza

The United Nations Security Council has called for a quick, independent and thorough investigation into reports of the discovery of mass graves in the Gaza Strip, stressing the need to allow investigators to access those areas and hold those responsible for the crime accountable.

May 12, 2024 - 14:12
The UN Security Council wants an independent investigation into mass graves in Gaza

The United Nations Security Council has called for a quick, independent and thorough investigation into reports of the discovery of mass graves in the Gaza Strip, stressing the need to allow investigators to access those areas and hold those responsible for the crime accountable.

The statement issued by the UN Security Council, stated that the delegates "expressed their grave concern over reports of the discovery of mass graves in and around the Hospital and Nasser and Al Shifa Complex in the Gaza Strip, where several hundred bodies were buried, including including women, children and the elderly." The statement also emphasized the "importance of holding accountable" those responsible for the violation of international law.

The UN Security Council has also called for "allowing investigators to access all mass grave sites in the Gaza Strip without restrictions to conduct a quick, independent, thorough and impartial investigation of the circumstances of the graves."

The statement of the UN Security Council was issued after the remarks made last Thursday by the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, likening some hospitals in Gaza to "cemeteries." Guterres said, there are reports of the discovery of mass graves in the Al-Shifa Hospital building in northern Gaza, and the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis.

Dead bodies of Palestinians in a mass grave, Gaza

The soldiers of the Israeli regime killed hundreds of Palestinians and buried their bodies in mass graves during the attacks of the regime's army against al Shifa hospital in March this year. 

So far, at least seven mass graves have been discovered in various hospitals in the Gaza Strip since the Zionist regime of Israel started a war and genocide against Gaza in early October last year.