RSF attack kills 22 people in el-Fasher
22 people have been killed in an attack allegedly carried out by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the city of el-Fasher, Darfur state, western Sudan.

The El-Fasher Struggle Committee has said in a statement published yesterday on the Facebook social network that RSF fighters have attacked markets, hospitals and residential buildings with rockets and caused the disaster.
It has said that the RSF has also used a drone in an attack against a hospital in el-Fasher, causing many deaths. Some news sources say that 97 people have been killed in the RSF attacks. However, the leaders of the First Aid Forces have denied claims of being involved in the bloody attacks.
This is in a situation where, Ibrahim Khatir, Director General of the Ministry of Health of the State of North Darfur recently said that, according to official records, more than 600 people have been killed and approximately 4,500 others have been injured in el-Fasher since May 10 this year until now.
At the same time, it has been reported that 12 people have died due to the effects of the heavy rains that continue to fall in the state of Kassala, in the east of Sudan.
This was said yesterday by Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, Sudan's Minister of Health and said that the heavy rains in eastern Sudan have increased the suffering of people who fled their homes, especially in the cities of Gedaref, Kassala and Halfa Aj Jadeedah.