Russia: Israel Must Join Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Apart from expressing concern regarding the possible use of chemical weapons by Israel, Russia also urged the Zionist regime to join the Chemical Weapons Convention, CWC, as soon as possible.

Dec 1, 2023 - 09:04
Russia: Israel Must Join Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Russia: Israel Must Join Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Alexander Shulgin, Russia's representative at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, OPCW, Wednesday (29/11/2023) was concerned about the possibility of chemical weapons being used by Israel in Palestine. He said, "Russia is concerned about media reports regarding this issue, therefore Moscow is asking Israel to join the Chemical Weapons Convention, CWC, as soon as possible." Apart from Israel, to date only three countries in the world have not joined the Chemical Weapons Convention, CWC, namely Egypt, South Sudan and North Korea. OPCW Director General Fernando Arias previously admitted he was concerned about the possible use of chemical warfare equipment in fighting between Israel and Hamas. On Monday, Iran's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Legal and International Affairs, Reza Najafi, asked the OPCW to investigate reports regarding the possible use of nerve agent by Israel in tunnels allegedly belonging to Hamas in Gaza. The Middle East Eye site several weeks ago reported that Israeli troops, under the supervision of United States Navy troops, may have used nerve gas to break through Hamas tunnels. This is not the first time Israel has used prohibited weapons of mass murder. The first use of this type of weapon by Israel was in 1948. (HS)