Russia to build a nuclear power plant in Burkina Faso
The Russian government's nuclear agency, Rosatom, and Burkina Faso have announced a cooperation plan in the nuclear sector.

The agreement was reached at the two-day Atomexpo 2024 international nuclear technology conference that began yesterday in the city of Sirius in the Black Sea.
The session has brought together senior officials from 75 countries, including Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Iraq, which attended Atomexpo for the first time.
Burkina Faso's Minister of Energy, Mines and Quarries Yacouba Zabré Gouba told Sputnik News Agency on the sidelines of the conference that: "This cooperation plan with Rosatom has several components. First, it concerns training, public opinion and then infrastructure construction. "
The minister continued to say that, according to the cooperation plan, Rosatom will build a nuclear power plant in Burkina Faso.
He said: "The establishment of this nuclear power plant will initially help reduce the energy deficit and ultimately help all sectors of Burkina Faso's social and economic life."
Gouba noted that: "We believe that Russia, with the experience it has, will be able to help Burkina Faso well towards its energy independence."
Along with Burkina Faso, Rosatom is strengthening cooperation with other African countries, including Mali, Zimbabwe and Burundi, which have signed cooperation agreements in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.