Russian sanctions have significantly increased the number of homeless people in London, England
Russian sanctions have significantly increased the number of homeless people in London, England

Statistics released by Channel for Homeless People (CHAIN) show that the number of people who have lost their homes and do not have permanent homes to live in the capital of England, London, has increased by 10 percent compared to the same period last year. yesterday The war in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia have been cited as the main causes of high inflation and an unprecedented rise in the cost of living in the UK and many other European countries. The statement also said that the negative consequences of Russia's sanctions and the war in Ukraine are the reason for the decrease in the purchasing power of people in Western European countries to the extent that some households are unable to secure even their most basic needs.
Many people who have lost their homes in the UK have suffered from mental problems. Statistics from the CHAIN channel, which is involved in the news of people who are homeless and living on the streets, show that, in the period between April and June this year, the number of homeless people of living in London has increased by 10 percent compared to the same period last year in 2022. The statistics also show that, almost half of the people who lost their homes in London have suffered from mental problems and need the close attention of doctors. The sanctions of Russia and the war in Ukraine are said to be the reason for the increase in homeless people in Europe, including the UK. and a shortage of houses to live in. Researchers have found that the number of people fleeing to cheap and worthless B&Bs, which are used to temporarily house homeless people, has increased dramatically in London, England.