Split decision in NATO; Canada also joined the opponents of the supply of cluster weapons to Ukraine

Split decision in NATO; Canada also joined the opponents of the supply of cluster weapons to Ukraine

Jul 9, 2023 - 13:37
Split decision in NATO; Canada also joined the opponents of the supply of cluster weapons to Ukraine
Split decision in NATO; Canada also joined the opponents of the supply of cluster weapons to Ukraine

Canada, emphasizing its commitment to the Oslo agreement and the prohibition of the use of cluster weapons, announced that it was opposed to the supply of this type of weapon to Ukraine to counter Russia. After the announcement of the sending of cluster bombs by the United States to Ukraine, this decision of Washington met with international reaction and discontent.

Even Washington's allies, one by one, are explicitly declaring their position against the decision. According to Reuters, the Canadian government announced in a statement: "We do not support the use of cluster munitions and are obliged to end the suffering caused by these types of munitions to civilians, in particular children."Pentagon Deputy Secretary for Political Affairs Colin Kall, saying on Friday that the United States is sending Ukraine a new $800 million military package, including cluster bombs, said Washington is transferring its most advanced cluster bombs to Kiev.Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday that Washington's decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine demonstrates weakness and frustration in the United States, and the purpose of this decision is to prolong the war in Ukraine.