Support for Israel plummets around the world
A new poll conducted by Morning Consult, an international privately held data intelligence company, reveals that international support for the Zionist regime of Israel has plummeted in the wake of the Palestine-Gaza war. .

The survey was conducted over a period of one month in 43 countries, targeting between 300 and 6,000 people in each country. The pure "popularity of Israel" on a global level, which is calculated by subtracting the percentage of people who are favorable toward Israel from the percentage of people who are negative about it, decreased by 18.5 points from September to December last year. The data found shows that Israel's popularity has declined in 42 of the 43 countries where the survey was conducted. Israel's criminal and brutal war in the Gaza Strip violates human rights by every indicator. The killing of more than 25,000 civilians , the destruction of homes and infrastructure , and the displacement of 90% of Gaza's population are clear evidence of Zionist ferocity . People in China , South Africa , Brazil , and several South American countries who previously had positive views of the Israeli regime now have negative views of the regime. Moreover, countries that have traditionally had a negative image of Israel , such as Japan , South Korea , and the United Kingdom , are now seeing this trend even further. Israel's net popularity in Japan has fallen from ``minus 29.9 to minus 62,'' in South Korea from ``minus 5.5 to minus 47.8,'' and in the UK from ``minus 17.1 to minus 29.8.'' Sonnet Frisbie, Morning Consult's deputy director of political intelligence, commented, ``These data tell us that the international community has a difficult road ahead for Israel.'' Interestingly, even in the United States, a strategic ally of the Israeli regime and the only developed country where the regime still maintains a purely positive approval rating, the popularity and acceptance of the Israeli regime has declined. , which decreased from 18.2 to 16 from September to December last year. Meanwhile, for the first time, a lawsuit against Israel was filed at the international level. In this regard, the International Court of Justice ICJ, based in The Hague, Netherlands, recently accepted South Africa's complaint against the Israeli regime and announced that it is investigating and examining accusations of genocide committed by the regime in Gaza, Palestine. . Taken together, these issues have led to a net decline in Israel's position and image on a global scale, and are certainly having a negative impact on the regime's soft power, while also threatening to push for an end to the war in the Gaza Strip. It can be seen that public pressure from pro-Israel countries, especially the United States, is increasing.