The anniversary of the departure of US troops from Afghanistan is declared an official holiday in this country

The anniversary of the departure of US troops from Afghanistan is declared an official holiday in this country

Aug 14, 2023 - 08:35
The anniversary of the departure of US troops from Afghanistan is declared an official holiday in this country
The anniversary of the departure of US troops from Afghanistan is declared an official holiday in this country

  The Taliban government in Afghanistan has declared August 15, the anniversary of the withdrawal of American occupying forces from the country, an official holiday. On Sunday, the Ministry of Labor of the Taliban government in Afghanistan announced that Mordad 24 (August 15) will henceforth be an official holiday to commemorate the second anniversary of the withdrawal of American occupying forces from the country and the return of the Taliban to power, Tasneem news agency reported. The statement of this ministry also says that this day - coincides with the "victory of the jihad of the Afghan people led by the Taliban against the United States and its allies", and according to the calendar created by this government, will be a common day off throughout Afghanistan.