The Catholicos of All Armenians called on Ukraine not to violate the unity of the Orthodox community
Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II calls on the authorities of Ukraine not to violate the historically established unity of the Orthodox community. Garegin II emphasized the need to protect the rights of existing religious communities, believers and clergy and respect the integrity of holy places.

Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II calls on the authorities of Ukraine not to violate the historically established unity of the Orthodox community. Garegin II emphasized the need to protect the rights of existing religious communities, believers and clergy and respect the integrity of holy places.
Father Yesai Artenyan, director of the Information System of the Mother See, informed TASS about this, commenting on the decision of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, which allows banning of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
"The Catholicos of All Armenians expressed his position regarding this alarming problem related to the religious life of Ukraine, when the law on the protection of the constitutional order in the field of activity of religious organizations was still being developed. Unfortunately, the fair concerns expressed by the Armenian Church and other churches about the possible unwanted consequences of the ratification of this bill and its negative impact on the Orthodox were not responded to, the decisions were made under the influence of the created political situation.
The Catholicos of All Armenians appeals to the children of the friendly people of Ukraine, the authorities and legislators, urging them not to violate the historically established unity of the Orthodox community, to protect the rights of existing religious communities, believers and clergy, to respect the integrity of the sanctuaries," noted priest Artenyan.
He added that it is the desire of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the pious people that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict be resolved as soon as possible by God's mercy, unacceptable phenomena disrupting church life be ruled out and the rich traditions of brotherly peoples' friendship tested for centuries be restored.